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Discerned Poems - Poems about Discerned

Discerned Poems - Examples of all types of poems about discerned to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for discerned.
...Conflict bears messages to be discerned; revelation lies in the spirit. The soul is the gatekeeper of the spirit; bear your soul and let the spirit of love flow. Forgiveness does not requ......Read the rest...
Categories: discerned, analogy, conflict, humanity, life,
Form: Free verse
The Gentle Bend
... A tall stiff reed that sways, in winds that fiercely blow, Low whispers gently rise, a lesson softly learned, Small murmurs move upward, the soul's true worth discerned, Where pride's gigantic......Read the rest...
Categories: discerned, life,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Sea Of Roses
... In the splendorous sky of my ardent heart, shimmering with lazuline glow of indigo art, as you gleamed like the tinsels of the moon, I tried to absorb your sapphire sheen hewn, but ......Read the rest...
Categories: discerned, analogy, imagery, inspirational, love,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The grave of Monchak
...I’ve forgotten which year, which autumn it was, In our land, the first snow always falls with a pause. Anyway, the year when Monshak returned, A village in Taiketken began to be discerned. The ......Read the rest...
Categories: discerned, grave,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Recognition
...“Mistaken that I was this body-mind, I succumbed to desire and fell to fear but on choosing pathways loving and kind, light of God in heart began to appear and truth of my true essence became cle......Read the rest...
Categories: discerned, conflict, god, light, love,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member January Concerto
... The first light I saw, flashed in the first month of the year, the epitome of rotational time transition, and the harbinger of hopeful new beginning, symbolized by the novelty of Je......Read the rest...
Categories: discerned, analogy, birthday, character, winter,
Form: Free verse
The Shadows We Cast
...Beneath the sunlit dome of sky, Where whispers of winds and rivers sigh, Lies a shadow, a wound unhealed, The truth of mankind, long concealed. We stand, architects of dreams and light, Yet bu......Read the rest...
Categories: discerned, abuse, anger, angst, death,
Form: Rhyme
You Will Always Be Mine
...I will place you in position, a spot you've never seen, I will take away the fear you've felt and give you perfect peace, Do not search for validation, in only me confide, People's opinions do not......Read the rest...
Categories: discerned, beautiful, best friend,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Who I Am
... Who I am, Lord? You know me more than I know me for You see and understand the part or side of me, I do not. I was nurtured with love, attentive care in my......Read the rest...
Categories: discerned, character, faith, me,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Christmas Cause
... ‘twas the night before Christmas at this North Carolina farm, The chickens were cackling, so the roosters, they’d charm. Never had I discerned how the stars could reflect such calm,......Read the rest...
Categories: discerned, christmas, december, holiday, jesus,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My Vote
...My vote matters for the same reasons that I MATTER. My presence is like life-giving WATER. My vote is far more than POLITICAL. Rather, it is the voice of PRINCIPLE. My right to free speech is cle......Read the rest...
Categories: discerned, america,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Poetess At Midnight
... The enchantment of the jasmine’s flickering candle doth burn, On the broad, antique desk, poems she created in quick turns. While her mind with brightness, filled with equanimty did ......Read the rest...
Categories: discerned, happiness, imagery, memory, poetess,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Jeremiah chapter thirty five k j v
...The Lord is faithfull.! Thesselonians ch 3 v 3-5 Jerimiah in the midst of the rebbelious people, had taken Note of a sobdrly clad 'new group to his awareness' he made Enquiry at the market stal......Read the rest...
Categories: discerned, appreciation, education, endurance,
Form: Narrative
Trumpeting future mercurial villain of history
...Trumpeting future mercurial villain of history Predicated on his paying obese sense to Ronald McDonald patron saint buzzfeeding his pie hole courtesy "two Big Macs, Fillet-O-Fish and a chocola......Read the rest...
Categories: discerned, abuse, age, america, angst,
Form: Free verse
...Found herself long in the tooth Burdened with responsibilities As the clock kept ticking Being hospitable began to wane Regardless of hope keeping in touch Working harder had become symboli......Read the rest...
Categories: discerned, emotions, feelings, grief, imagery,
Form: Lyric

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