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Conflict bears messages

to be discerned;

revelation lies in the spirit.


The soul is the gatekeeper

of the spirit; bear your soul

and let the spirit of love flow.


Forgiveness does not require


memory is the flowing river

of growth.


The sea of life is inundated

with waves of conflict—

flowing to shores of resolution

with frothing memories;


There is no unsolvable conflict

in the ebbing and flowing

of the seemingly tidal waves of life;


We may not always be

where we want to be—ought to be;

but we are never always

where we once were:-


Remember, it is the wisdom

of the spirit that gives

understanding and healing;


The soul is the gatekeeper

of the spirit; bear your soul

and let the spirit of love flow;


And when that flow froths awareness

of what is and what it is that should not be

It’s time to correct life’s frothing ebb and flow:-

Conflict bears messages to be discerned; revelation lies in the spirit. The soul is the gatekeeper of the spirit; bear your soul and let the spirit of love flow. Forgiveness does not require forgetfulness; memory is the flowing river of growth. The sea of life is inundated with waves of conflict— flowing to shores of resolution with frothing memories; There is no unsolvable conflict in the ebbing and flowing of the seemingly tidal waves of life; We may not always be where we want to be—ought to be; but we are never always where we once were:- Remember, it is the wisdom of the spirit that gives understanding and healing; The soul is the gatekeeper of the spirit; bear your soul and let the spirit of love flow; And when that flow froths awareness of what is and what it is that should not be It’s time to correct life’s frothing ebb and flow:-

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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