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Derangement Poems - Poems about Derangement

Derangement Poems - Examples of all types of poems about derangement to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for derangement.
Premium Member Hoya Paranoia
... Trump Derangement Syndrome and Hoya Paranoia* Both reside in Washington D.C. both designed to annoy ya _______________________________ *The Georgetown University ......Read the rest...
Categories: derangement, basketball, political, school,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Divine Madness
... As the blow of hard times profoundly strikes, ever so strongly my private space in disarray, I build a boundless wall seemingly impenetrable, never to be invaded in the sanctum of the inner wo......Read the rest...
Categories: derangement, analogy, spiritual,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Spotlight On Trump
...What Trump Wants: according to John Kelly- Retired Four-star General Trump’s former Chief of staff —Unchecked power ......Read the rest...
Categories: derangement, america, angst, change, character,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Deconstructing Trump Derangement Syndrome
... On his watch no attacks on Israel or Ukraine Yet they say he has no ‘smarts’ or brains The border was quieter, illegal immigration down Though my Congressman called it ‘fas......Read the rest...
Categories: derangement, gender, immigration, military, money,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Whispers of Autumn
...When butterflies float downward like a leaf As air of Autumn dances everywhere Whispers of wings become a bright motif Floating, drifting, wandering on blue air. Scents of cinnamon whisper tre......Read the rest...
Categories: derangement, appreciation, autumn, butterfly, seasons,
Form: Sonnet

Premium Member Impeach this Poem - Twice
... High crimes and misdemeanors historically difficult to define Until Trump Derangement Syndrome ~ when America lost her mind ......Read the rest...
Categories: derangement, america, crazy, political,
Form: Rhyme
Mad Hatter Day
...What a fashionable day to be in Wonderland! quaffing a piping mug of peppermint tea clamped into my manic hands sprinkled in three spoons of that sticky, drippy powder of craziness with a side o......Read the rest...
Categories: derangement, funny,
Form: Free verse
No Brave New World
... In the meta-versed binaural wish song beats, skid row streets of the bottomless pits of Metropolis/ Thebes, you are quardoned off and printed in a likeness wronged-vaped, winged to the w......Read the rest...
Categories: derangement, art,
Form: Rhyme
Wanting What You Cannot Have
... You are the dusk that masquerades as first light. In the stillness of descending twilight, your spellbinder's expectorant opens the passageways of the feeble, weevles like a ......Read the rest...
Categories: derangement, art,
Form: Rhyme
...Sounds like bile with relocation, wish to be elsewhere; Double vision, apparition, somewhere, nowhere, there; Concurrence, recurrence, boomerang or doppelganger; concentration, adaptation, cliff......Read the rest...
Categories: derangement, betrayal,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Donald Trump is Back
... Those who hate him are on the attack That vile, vulgar specimen Donald J. Trump is back Don't look now, but so is Jill Stein "Replace capitalism with 'democratic......Read the rest...
Categories: derangement, america, nostalgia, political, repetition,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Insanity
...I feel I'm on a razor's edge twixt madness and sanity, disturbed derangement, orderly rationality, alternating my being, a multiple personality stance not willingly on my part. Why must we......Read the rest...
Categories: derangement, angst, violence, war,
Form: Free verse
Sent Sun
...I’m the patient while these words are like my doctor/ Find the grace and style to please hoards jarred like nectar/ Wined by the taste and trial to ease an orange barred sector/ I’m defined by the......Read the rest...
Categories: derangement, art, beautiful, cheer up,
Form: Rhyme
Bloodstained Childhood
...Vines curved around the thin pillars, Which supported the house that once held a family of three, And was now merely inhabited by insects and prickly weeds. The roof was bound to cave in at any......Read the rest...
Categories: derangement, 10th grade, childhood, horror,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member US Health Warning New Virus Alert
...EPIDEMIOLOGICAL NAME: Donkey Pox ORIGIN: First detected in Orwellian hippies, Leninist/Marxist think tanks, and insane asylums, and faculty and student lounges across America. ......Read the rest...
Categories: derangement, sick, society,
Form: Political Verse

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