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Deliberates Poems - Poems about Deliberates

Deliberates Poems - Examples of all types of poems about deliberates to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for deliberates.

Birthday of beloved buxom babe I betrothed
...Birthday of beloved buxom babe I betrothed Pardon my hyperbole if in fact such embellishment can be sifted out amidst the pretentious poetry and/or prose NOT aired to appear superior, but more so ......Read the rest...
Categories: deliberates, anniversary, appreciation, birth, birthday,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Scream - Ekphrasis On An Edvard Munch Piece of Art
...Oblong outlines of a soul Stretched in elliptical misery Redefines the perfect circle To a breakable volatile tautness Loosely cloaked in sheaths of epitonic blue Draped upon the shrinking bod......Read the rest...
Categories: deliberates, fear,
Form: Ekphrasis

Premium Member Lost
...Doubts linger inside, where Her feelings tremble, Chaotic and blaring with fears, Piercing the yearnings, Erasing the joy, the kindness… Imagination deliberates, Can her heart ever get past ......Read the rest...
Categories: deliberates, encouraging, faith, jesus, joy,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Working Things Out
... Worry wonders and doubts It speculates on the hopes and habits It ponders all the thoughts and misgivings It deliberates on the joy and kindness It even questions the peace and serenity......Read the rest...
Categories: deliberates, angst, anxiety, inspirational, jesus,
Form: Free verse
A Rattling Rhyme
...Once upon a time in the United States, Came a chap from England, a Sir Master Bates… For they opened the doors at the guarded gates, Off to Washington with his great debates… Too much of a scho......Read the rest...
Categories: deliberates, addiction, anxiety, endurance,
Form: Monorhyme

Premium Member Slow Rush To Judgment
...years from now heavenly court deliberates - Zuckerberg wears two horns January 25, 2019 Entry in "Heavenly Monoku" Poetry Contest Sponsor: Kim Rodrigues......Read the rest...
Categories: deliberates, future, heaven, judgement,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member The Game of Hockey
...The Game of Hockey By Government decree, lacrosse Is Canada’s national sport, But in the hearts and minds of Canadians, Hockey rules supreme. Hockey is a winter sport enjoyed by Canadi......Read the rest...
Categories: deliberates, hockey, sports,
Form: Verse
Dreaming In the Library
...This genteel lady contemplates, A pensive glance across each page. Her book by choice; deliberates. This novel from a bygone age, A sad romantic love affair. With wistful smile, t......Read the rest...
Categories: deliberates, books, dream, , romantic
Form: Rhyme
...Homemade dungeons spirit up through governmental finance. An alone home to the flight risk, trial sick, authoritative kind. So much time now spent hitting the rewind to come upon the never wanted fin......Read the rest...
Categories: deliberates, abuse, addiction, adventure, allusion,
Form: Rhyme
~ (~) ~ ... "barter Nothing; Offering Everything" ... ~ (~) ~
...~ (~) About a teaspoon it takes me in the morning-coffee-that-is. (~) ~ ~ (~) Cream more, sugar, a little-less, though truly I still do prefer my cup fresh brewed... its superb when pi......Read the rest...
Categories: deliberates, inspirationalgod, me, autumn, god,
Form: Prose Poetry
Who Really Knows
...Sequestered possibly, the jury deliberates Determining verdict, handing down fate Consequences harsh or maybe none at all Defendant’s only action, is to now wait Did he truly do it? Does eviden......Read the rest...
Categories: deliberates, imagination, life, sad,
Form: Rhyme
As May, As the Eyes May See
...It brought me to my senses, The wild contempt of lavender Tiptoeing safely to each nostril - As the gangly zephyrs took heed, In brief wrangles a moments peak, Telling me, what month i......Read the rest...
Categories: deliberates, adventure, nature, visionary,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry