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Delaying Poems - Poems about Delaying

Delaying Poems - Examples of all types of poems about delaying to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for delaying.
...No more delaying, act now stop stalling, Time doesn’t call timeout; the clock never rest. Think, process, move then act. There’s no weapon I can’t overcome with you. You’re putting me in positi......Read the rest...
Categories: delaying, change, christian, faith, fear,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member almost
... downsizing was meant to become a tool for freedom and devotion yet it remained a passion unfulfilled crowded in cherished possessions they call me a hoarder although I prefer to be seen as ......Read the rest...
Categories: delaying, appreciation,
Form: Free verse

To Whom does this come
...When bodies turn to ash and float in the wind When whatever makes you, you follows Floating. You left your body, a hollow shell Not you anymore Just bones. We couldn’t get your wife to leave yo......Read the rest...
Categories: delaying, death, grandfather, grief, happiness,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Like a Ray of Sunshine
...Little Susie was everyone's favorite. She usually caused people to smile; Like bouquets received from yesterday, traveling on mauve, Memory Aisle. Susie Partridge was loved by all, since ......Read the rest...
Categories: delaying, fantasy, girl, growing up,
Form: Couplet
... Natural Nature heeds God’s command, fulfilling His demand. It complies with full might against delaying blight. Such is shown by rain fall, dropping down along wall, cascading from he......Read the rest...
Categories: delaying, appreciation, blessing, christian, creation,
Form: Alexandrine

Premium Member Rattlesnake
...Rattlesnake Stealth reptile, scaly skinned viper, Flickers fork tongue to smell direction: Slithering through the environment, Camouflaged to avoid detection. Snake eyes focus without......Read the rest...
Categories: delaying, nature,
Form: Verse
Strawberry Flavoured Lips
...I want to scream I want to cry I want to curl up I want to die With every waking moment I’ve awoken sad I can hear my thoughts And they are all bad With my thoughts taking over And I slo......Read the rest...
Categories: delaying, death, heartbreak,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member A Shadow Of Hardball
...Ebon bafflement descended from the Sun-bleached sky; A penumbra of illuminated lies, this world needs to be reprimanded; A joyous ballet of obliteration; Fooled by the doe eyed sweetheart, t......Read the rest...
Categories: delaying, emotions, feelings, moon,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member Anyone
... Facebook flight, a messenger pigeon Each Pageant shuffles pretty women Most admired tiara sparkle temporal Sash off strategic take trick terminal No need to tweet esteem over media S......Read the rest...
Categories: delaying, absence,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member I love and kiss the CVS people
...I’ll get to the pills with a twist The scripts filled by my pharmacist If there’s a hiccup Delaying the pick-up Watch out as I might just get pissed ......Read the rest...
Categories: delaying, anger, care, celebration, drug,
Form: Limerick
The reign and rain of terror
... The year ends on saddest notes of crying, dying babies in Palestine and obstructed efforts to throw them a lifeline They ought to have long halted this ethnic cleansing of the indigenou......Read the rest...
Categories: delaying, horror, violence, war,
Form: Dramatic Verse
The Live-in -- Part 1 of 3
...Six months gone now since that dark night, I was kitchen-bound for a bite Hoping I in icebox there a slice of pumpkin pie could score – While I searched, I heard a ringing, an insistent ding-a-ling......Read the rest...
Categories: delaying, fun, humor,
Form: Rhyme
The Princess of Procrastination
...I’m the Princess of Procrastination – Bow down at my feet! For I’m the best example Of delaying you could meet. Go through closets? Get a haircut? Start to organize my book? Work on projects......Read the rest...
Categories: delaying, me,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Humanity Keeps Bleeding
...“Only the dead have seen the end of war.” Plato Politicians keep lying Hate keeps breeding Jets keep firing Babies keep dying Mothers keep crying Homes keep tumbling ......Read the rest...
Categories: delaying, humanity, introspection, war,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Champagne Rain
...He plants black seed of love in me So deep it deposits destined dreams Waking white flowing river stream Of liquid love abandoned by the weak The weak ones who toyed with black gold Playing me......Read the rest...
Categories: delaying, black love, how i
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry