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Defied Poems - Poems about Defied

Premium Member Prognosis Defied
In the recognition ceremony during the Special School’s commencement exercises, I was ecstatic while witnessing my child jubilantly flashing his double thumbs’ up trademark gesture. He was screaming with glee when he acknowledged his...Read the rest...
Categories: defied, blessing, child, christian, faith,
Form: Prose Poetry
He Got Ahead
There was a queen named Madeline Tuckett. She defied the king, telling him to "Stuff it." He was greatly offended his honor he defended by having queen's head in a bucket....Read the rest...
Categories: defied, 12th grade, goodbye, judgement,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Death, Defined and Defied
There was a "thread" of evil in the atmosphere as stick as a wall and hard as steel.* This stream of evil resulted from the defiance and fall of lucerfer himself. The location, without fowls...Read the rest...
Categories: defied, dark, death, evil,
Form: Verse
Gravitation Defied
Even now, Pigeons stool surprised while ensconced in dovecote whose twittering translated as coo coo not bright asper Icarus aiming for mythic cull magic did excite popularized notion...Read the rest...
Categories: defied, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Epic
Hateful Eyes Defied Noon
Hateful eyes Defied noon, As the moon ever spying, Watched overhead, In Dusk sight chills are sent to spine. Somebody’s watching me, Somebody is watching me....Read the rest...
Categories: defied, imagination
Form: Free verse

Grim Reaper Defied
Four times, nay, five it's true, Grim Reaper defied. The first was when down Hollywood streets I flew at Ninety five. Averting wheel, I turned it fast and struck my head on window's glass Past throngs of people...Read the rest...
Categories: defied, me, car, life, me,
Form: Epic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry