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Deceptive Poems - Poems about Deceptive

Deceptive Poems - Examples of all types of poems about deceptive to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for deceptive.
Premium Member Broken mirrors crush me under deceptive appearances
Broken mirrors crush me under deceptive appearances, mutilated wisdom whistles hesitantly, the heron gropes, flying through fragile fantasies and follies lost in the penumbra Penumbra that pulses, words flow like a black river rolling shadows, Shadows that gaze at me...Read the rest...
Categories: deceptive, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Karmageddon, by iyah may'
Iyah May..Really having her say, l lot i agree with' although Not all but hey.! There is freedom to listen and to doubt as You May.' Only you bolt and cage in, when you throw that free...Read the rest...
Categories: deceptive, appreciation, education, endurance,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Under the shadowed vault of time, where power flickers like a deceptive beacon
Under the shadowed vault of time, where power flickers like a deceptive beacon, Authority entices the shadows, drawing the basest elements of our kind, Throughout history, humanity has been shackled by the dregs of the world, slaves...Read the rest...
Categories: deceptive, fantasy,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Forgive Me
Miles apart in the gleam, I believe her, Upright on the porch, staring at the mighty above, Her glassy eyes shimmering with a deceptive smile, Her loose hair flowing like ocean waves. Must she be seeing the moon similar...Read the rest...
Categories: deceptive, loss, love hurts, marriage,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member richard bloody beks
I took a chance and made some calls, cause home Was on my mind. I knew late 2021 that things there Wern't going fine. Of the calls i made one was to this Guy, by the name of...Read the rest...
Categories: deceptive, education, endurance,
Form: Free verse

This poem is a metaphor. The crying tires, the shattered glass, it all happened, so very fast. His life it flashed, before his eyes, his life always swaddled, in set ups and lies. No direction, for the good, he just wanted a life, that was nurturing...Read the rest...
Categories: deceptive, child abuse, childhood, death,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Deceptive
Moonlight is deceptive hiding behind roaming clouds causing dark shadows...Read the rest...
Categories: deceptive, sky,
Form: Senryu
Deceptive People
dictators boosters, and democracy breakers double deals deceive...Read the rest...
Categories: deceptive, people,
Form: Senryu
Serenade of Deception
My fantasy tainted with a false sense of reality He robbed my ecstasy with hypnotic mockery Empty praise was his sirens melody He knew. To my loneliness the deceitful remedy His tongue glid too fluid It glossed over my doubts His eyes’...Read the rest...
Categories: deceptive, 11th grade, betrayal, sorrow,
Form: Rhyme
Deceptive Illumination
Downtown city lights with breathtaking ambiance hides in her darkness disparity ~homelessness ensnared in her masquerade... Inspired by numerous sightings of homelessness while traveling by train....Read the rest...
Categories: deceptive, poverty, sad,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Fear Is Deceptive
Fear is a jail for anyone who lacks faith. A chain that can keep you bound forever. The thief of your peace, fear, is a scary wraith. Darkness is thrown by a gloomy river. Fear is a hushed voice in...Read the rest...
Categories: deceptive, analogy, conflict, fear,
Form: Sonnet
Putting On That Deceptive Mask
Putting on that deceptive mask can deceive some or many, why take a useless risk? Hiding your guilt is very wrong; redeem yourself from sin, look beyond deception, don't do any more harm changing looks and moving along... carry in yourself an honesty that's...Read the rest...
Categories: deceptive, betrayal, character, conflict, evil,
Form: Lyric
Deceptive E-Mail Message
It is better to go fishing Than to get involved in phishing....Read the rest...
Categories: deceptive, internet,
Form: Epigram
Premium Member Deceptive Mask
On the wheels of time I’ve travelled for long on the crafted pathway of synthetic stage, revolving my split mind, entrapped in polarity, under the spotlight of the contrived moments, enmeshing the confused me with paradoxes. In...Read the rest...
Categories: deceptive, confusion, identity, life,
Form: Free verse
Life Sails With Deceptive Pretensions
Sadness is betimes masked by pretence, And made to believe that "I am fine". Anger is disguised by fake smiles, assuring that "Everything is all right". Envy is engrossed with curses always but, externally wishing others "Best of luck". Emotions are...Read the rest...
Categories: deceptive, emotions, evil, feelings, sick,
Form: Verse

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