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richard bloody beks

I took a chance and made some calls, cause home Was on my mind. I knew late 2021 that things there Wern't going fine. Of the calls i made one was to this Guy, by the name of richard beks, editor of the spectator In Hamilton in which he airs his dregs..At first I thought He was alright, though maybe somewhat confused? He said He was a jabs-worth? yet to each person their own views I told him i knew David Noaks a farmer there, chris from the Athens Eatery, he told me Chris was gone for years, and the changes He had seen, old Tommy Moores boxing club was also gone Once i touched upon its fate.. I reflected inside myself back along? He said he'd view my writes online, and maybe do a feature What a laugh.' If I'd really knew of what type was this old creature? We talked some more then I rang off' thinking it would be good To be read throughout the western districts to inspire thoughts as Only poetry really could.' A month or two slipped along i made a Call again He got Bronwyn there to feild my call, she said he was In a meeting, of which I enquired of when that slot would end? She Replied that was the question, her manner friendly enough, yet I Sensed that beks himself was saying you get stuffed' i took the Hint and closed the call, bewildered to say the least I'd thought from The first call I had 'the measure of the beast' a few weeks on i did A check on 'facebook' of all the places, and there i saw a post that Called for 'beks account to be eras-ed.' It says he'd supported dirty hume despite the cardinal sins he'd done 'the rotten child abuser' And old beks had glossed over, the crimes of that scum.? I drew a Breath of deep releif, I thanked the Lord above..Who keeps my ways And brightens the days, who is the only author of justice and Love.!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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