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Cruelest Poems - Poems about Cruelest

Cruelest Poems - Examples of all types of poems about cruelest to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for cruelest.
Premium Member Honesty is the Cruelest Gift of All
(“The Heart of It #2”, 2007, original oil) Honesty is the Cruelest Gift of All I’m down to the nub of a pencil I’ve been carrying around in my heart For over three decades And as much as...Read the rest...
Categories: cruelest, grief, life, lost love,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Cruelest Prisons
Impenetrable fortresses built from the many stones of regret, re enforced with the concrete mistakes we can never forget. Confined within these walls only your guilt shall dwell. The cruelest prisons are the ones that we build...Read the rest...
Categories: cruelest, depression, prison,
Form: Rhyme

The Cruelest Month
T.S. Eliot said April is the cruelest month. . . But he was wrong. August is by far the cruelest. August with its sultry cloak, Oppressive shroud, Baking under the Relentless sun. Can you feel it? Can you smell it? Don’t...Read the rest...
Categories: cruelest, analogy, april, august, autumn,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Cruelest
We blame any obstacles in our ways The obstacles are cruel We try all the ways to remove them We blame the devil as well as God But who is or which is the cruelest after all I said...Read the rest...
Categories: cruelest, god, time,
Form: Free verse
Realities Cruelest Lesson
Stuck in an abyss of emotions That nobody else can compare The way that life presents itself Is furthest from the truth But I numb myself To not care Lies after lies Off the tongue They leak So sweet Meanwhile it's my heart That get brutalized By...Read the rest...
Categories: cruelest, 11th grade,
Form: ABC

Premium Member The Cruelest of Hate
It is the cruelest of hate Creeping like an imposturous reptile In the morning light of Eve’s Garden Fangs dripping with malice Searching for tender flesh to taste Cruel hate clandestinely charging Uncharged minds Innocent ones Too young to leave Too old to hold...Read the rest...
Categories: cruelest, children, grief,
Form: Free verse
Stay Not In Grief
You may grieve on this darkest of days. You may weep tears of demulcent dew And ponder the wonder of God's cruelest ways Though ne'er understand their reason or rhyme, Nor unravel the ruse that he ruthlessly plays. Alone in...Read the rest...
Categories: cruelest, bereavement, death of a
Form: Rhyme
The Cruelest Irony of Cancer Ja Pointed Out Ever So Succinctly
Is the cruelest of all cancers ironies ? Not that it is to be met or end in death ? Nor the suffering the disease itself inflicts ? On both the terminal and those left ? But rather how it...Read the rest...
Categories: cruelest, slam,
Form: Free verse
The Cruelest Thing One Can Do
I often think cruelest thing one can do, Is to deny the young the opportunity to follow their heart, All because your heart was once broken, And you have not learned to forgive. The hole in their heart, Now about...Read the rest...
Categories: cruelest, angel, baptism, bible, blessing,
Form: Romanticism
Premium Member The Cruelest Prisons
Impenetrable fortresses built from stones of regret, reinforced with concrete mistakes we can never forget. Confined within these walls only your guilt shall dwell. The cruelest prisons are the ones that we build for ourselves....Read the rest...
Categories: cruelest, depression,
Form: Rhyme
Cruelest Cut
There were times you called me vindictive names, Said so many uncalled for things that hurt. You played so many emotional games And with my friends you did shamelessly flirt. Was there ever a time...Read the rest...
Categories: cruelest, betrayal, break up, depression,
Form: Dizain
Premium Member Cruelest Winds
Autumn leaves released against the cruelest winds unmoored, without a distant shore to land have no instruction, nor direction, swept by the tides of winter seas Surfing waves without an oar curled tight against themselves Fall winds spread them...Read the rest...
Categories: cruelest, autumn, introspection, life,
Form: Etheree
The Cruelest Cage
The cruelest of cages A cage of the mind. No freedom lies With such heavy binds Thinking, Speaking, Processing It all becomes difficult. This cage tight and sealed Breaking free It just a dream....Read the rest...
Categories: cruelest, dream, freedom, how i
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member The Cruelest Prisons
Impenetrable fortresses built from stones made of regret reenforced with the concrete of mistakes we can never forget. Confined within these walls only your guilt here shall dwell. The cruelest prisons are the ones that we build for...Read the rest...
Categories: cruelest, depression,
Form: Rhyme
The Cruelest Fate
The Cruelest Fate By Elton Camp What was Lois is all but gone “It’s dementia,” the doctor said “Just be glad she doesn’t know. “It’s so much better that way.” With the blank look on her face, Family talk as if she...Read the rest...
Categories: cruelest, angst, , fate,
Form: Free verse

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