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Cro Poems - Poems about Cro

Premium Member Bring Back Neanderthal Man
... ~ An Eight-Line Treatise on 'Settler Colonialism' ~ The Apache beat up on the Cheyenne and the Iroquois on the Sioux Mohawks ‘mohawked’ the Mohicans ......Read the rest...
Categories: cro, america, history, irony, language,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Joe Biden Don Trump
...Jokers galore as two men pretenD old, demented both, but greedy too eyeing leadership of the nation Both unfit! yet are in this gambiT <>...Read the rest...
Categories: cro, conflict, confusion, corruption, crazy,
Form: Acrostic

The monumental bane of OCD obsessive compulsive disorder
...The monumental bane of OCD - obsessive compulsive disorder As origin of *****Sapien species surged ahead, harboring nascent predominance asper said primate reproductively bred, (albeit via incr......Read the rest...
Categories: cro, adventure, africa, animal, anxiety,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member ART IS
...In caves prehistoric Static from minds ecstatic Lively from minds elastic Passion from minds romantic Impression from minds pedantic Bizarre from minds frantic From Cro-Magnon to Warhol......Read the rest...
Categories: cro, art, emotions, image, passion,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Cro-Magnon Dinner
... When the Cro-Magnan’s sat down to eat their fare, The master screamed, and went on a tear. Grunting, ‘Woman you goofed, Coz on this saber tooth, I bit through one of your yard long gross hairs!......Read the rest...
Categories: cro, food, fun, history,
Form: Limerick

...FICTIONAL BIO: The missus asked me (hitherto known as her bozo) just mere moments ago to craft humorous poem to glow nsync with the shiny nose of Rudolph keeping syncopated metrical flow thu......Read the rest...
Categories: cro, adventure, allegory, courage, cute,
Form: Rhyme
A Nation of Narcissists
...fumigated like stockade lice you Wall St. cologne jockeys would be 3rd World land fill recall that consciousness is tunable adjust your volume to a comfortable level because Turette's plus Alzhe......Read the rest...
Categories: cro, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
Idee Fixe
...don't even think about it a bucket of motel ice in the face proving the thing in itself does not exist because he registered all the meanings all the time with a nausea so profound the retching......Read the rest...
Categories: cro, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
Nothing Boot Toe Till Rot and Duff Feet
...Nothing boot toe till rot and duff feet... concerning yours truly poor righteous leftist sole. Great way to begin the new year mine little feet about size nine wear sneakers acquired At Ian'......Read the rest...
Categories: cro, 7th grade, 8th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Does This Make Sense
...Does This Make Sense? Some will find they’re at odds with opinions expressed here, call me to account, but I color all friends who remain in the room! When your feelings......Read the rest...
Categories: cro, faith, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Can'T Wait
...Dear Mr. and Mrs. Australopithecus: Denisovan, Neanderthal Cro-Magnon, H. Sapiens and I, Robot would very much like you to meet us......Read the rest...
Categories: cro, history, humanity,
Form: Light Verse
Nothing Boot Toe Till Rot and Duff Feet
...Nothing boot toe till rot and duff feet... Attempting nightly ritual nsync with sole and instep of beat January second 21:08 two thousand twenty footwear equipped with custom made cleat p......Read the rest...
Categories: cro, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Spectacular Acrostic
...L-ine H-as Y-ielded N-ote's Z-estful M-essage O-f S-alvation Q-uietlyU-sing I-mpressive S-pectacular A-cro stic Topic: Birthday of Lhynz V. Mosquisa (March 05) Form: Vertical M......Read the rest...
Categories: cro, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member If I Did Not Look Like Cro-Magnon Man
...Everybody and their cousin wants their haircut today. The sign is in the window as usual – stylist needed. Great opportunity. Apply within. It should say ten stylists needed. Many empty stations.......Read the rest...
Categories: cro, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Light Verse
Homeward James By Bill
...Homeward James: by Bill For the king hath arisen nsync with royal couture decked out and bedizened to the nines resplendent blindingly, I telly you to envision colorful dress expl......Read the rest...
Categories: cro, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

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