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Crawlers Poems - Poems about Crawlers

Premium Member Creepy Crawlers
Most the things that mostly crawl Mostly cost the most of all Like crabs and snails and lobster claw Pray the day that prices fall...Read the rest...
Categories: crawlers, fish, food,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Smelling Night Crawlers
After the rain I started to smell them They have a distinct odor, not a fragrance I had to walk carefully, as to not squash them They were squirming on the sidewalk and in the grass Night crawlers, giving...Read the rest...
Categories: crawlers, rain,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Creepy Crawlers
Summer conjures up barbeques and picnics, including camping and dogs fetching sticks. And pitching tents, sharing the ground with slugs, centipedes, and other assorted bugs. As twilight wains, female mosquitoes thirst for blood, vying for who will bite you...Read the rest...
Categories: crawlers, 10th grade, 9th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Light stutters and slacks slips under an ancient nightgown. Gore and ghast rise to pin back eyes. Plaster cast crawlers take over the wards of dreamers. The nurse is buried in her 'Peoples' magazine she does not see the shadows reaching...Read the rest...
Categories: crawlers, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Night Crawlers
Night Crawlers As the bartender shouted last call they clung to the bar lest they fall then said “let’s continue” “what’s next on the venue” let go and completed the crawl. John G. Lawless 10/12/2016...Read the rest...
Categories: crawlers, humor,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Creepy Crawlers
Existing here in the oblivion Hollow is it's core Others thrive in this waste Bodies passing No connection is made Just shadows Why am I here Is this always the end result Of Dr Jekyll an Mr Hyde played out Is this what their...Read the rest...
Categories: crawlers, bible, judgement, psychological, truth,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Mosque Crawlers
CIA & the NYPD’s got a thing for hassling those who get down on their knees to “pray” to one kind of fiction, as opposed to another--- in Jersey, they got a way of always being around when Jersey...Read the rest...
Categories: crawlers, life, religion, violence,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry