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Crabby Poems - Poems about Crabby

Crabby Poems - Examples of all types of poems about crabby to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for crabby.

Premium Member crabby and crusty
rantankerous attitude vinegarish and waspy crabby and crusty...Read the rest...
Categories: crabby, age,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Night Crawler Nell a Crabby Courtesan
a crabby courtesan does not do well when her meanness is seen by clientele the one I knew named angry night crawler Nell was so grouchy, she was a very hard sell the Madame found her a new place...Read the rest...
Categories: crabby, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Monorhyme

The Abc's of Life
B follows A And C proceeds D It's a formula older than time The lowest sink of debauchery to the ilks Of a sort seem sublime A pail full of Crabs Will stay to the brim Each holding the Other In place That...Read the rest...
Categories: crabby, anxiety,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member When I Get Crabby and Mean
Art, poetry, cartooning, gardening, and love of life keep me going. When I want to give up, when I am depleted and defeated I pull my resources together and we take a nap. Replenishing ourselves in a couple...Read the rest...
Categories: crabby, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
What Is Making You So Crabby
I'll give you a chance to explain Why there's always so much pain In your heart that you are spreading There's always a storm that's heading To everyone that you meet You used to be so upbeat Full of happiness and...Read the rest...
Categories: crabby, anger, change, emotions, rude,
Form: Rhyme

Crabby Morning
Crabby morning He looked down into the toilet bowl had shat and flushed, 80-year-old going to waste down a drain and into the sea. 70 years ago when he lived on a farm human and Animal waste was...Read the rest...
Categories: crabby, birth, creation,
Form: Blank verse
What a Crabby Day
To the fish market she'd been fetchin', Now her stomach linin' stretchin', Must have been the crabs she ate, Three crustaceans gone from her plate, ...Read the rest...
Categories: crabby, humorous,
Form: Limerick
Crabby Getaway
Yes you read the title right But let me shred some light It happened in 1980 when I worked on Madison Avenue The Receptionist was going to buy live crab for dinner Well as a friend would, I accompanied...Read the rest...
Categories: crabby, adventure, courage, crazy, food,
Form: Ballad
Crabby Walking Through the Abbey
We are going on a trip to the British Isles and Channel Island of Guernsey and Normandy. This sure should be quite a cruise. Here is my first poem I am writing about it even though I have not...Read the rest...
Categories: crabby, encouraging, fun, london,
Form: Couplet
When wrinkles start appearing Getting deeper by the day With liver spots accruing And the hair is going grey The early morning aches and pains A stomach growing flabby The crows feet and the flatulence No wonder you feel crabby...Read the rest...
Categories: crabby, funny,
Form: Light Verse
Crabby Old Man
This poem was written by an old man who died in the geriatric Ward of a nursing home in North Platte, Neb. He left nothing Of value, only this poem which I thought had...Read the rest...
Categories: crabby, lifeme, heart, old, heart,
Form: Rhyme
I'M Feeling Kinda of Crabby Today
as the low tide sets ...Read the rest...
Categories: crabby, funny, imagination, sea, seasons,
Form: Haiku
Crabby Tabby
The way that you’re crying, You sound like you’re dying… You can’t get enough of that food! And then, when I feed you, You say, “I don’t need you!” And you’re in another bad mood! Stop trying to bite me! I think...Read the rest...
Categories: crabby, animals, friendship, funny, love,
Form: Personification

Book: Reflection on the Important Things