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Cortex Poems - Poems about Cortex

Cortex Poems - Examples of all types of poems about cortex to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for cortex.
Premium Member Insignificant Monster No More
...Drained of opaque innocence Perfected by your toxicity, I was laid bare beneath the narcissistic sun, Searing deep within dehydrated pupils, Stripping my soul of all humanity, until your siniste......Read the rest...
Categories: cortex, dark, gothic, imagery, night,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Musings of a Diehard Behaviorist
... What’s on the old mind tonight the good old frontal cortex the ole gray matter ~ not that it does… ......Read the rest...
Categories: cortex, perspective, philosophy, prejudice, psychological,
Form: Free verse

My Mother Was Catatonic
...My mother was catatonic, symphonic chronic is what I smoke. Livinin it bougie, choosin floosies no uzis and then I choke. You can be me, insane cerebral cortex is just what I feel. Living pervy s......Read the rest...
Categories: cortex, abuse, mental health, racism,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member - Thinking Out Loud -
... prefrontal cortex "thinking brain" - the unconscious can become conscious......Read the rest...
Categories: cortex, philosophy,
Form: Senryu
Election Musings
...Between my thicker and thicker lobes Lies a much less thick wick Which reflects a dimmer and dimmer glimmer of what was once brimming with more than a shimmer of hope and optimism Two parties bick......Read the rest...
Categories: cortex, emotions,
Form: Rhyme

...Prodigal son you who are on the run who am I to jazz you Again whom am I to jazz you? Sometime you speak with a diverse broken tongue While in the back of your mind your frontal cortex Speaks ou......Read the rest...
Categories: cortex, analogy, appreciation, celebration, confidence,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member What I Really Wanted To Say
... And I quote "You're so well spoken; I loved your story" end quote I hear that once about every other week at the current rate But what I really wanted to say in response was: oh, you mean for a ......Read the rest...
Categories: cortex, black african american, discrimination,
Form: Blank verse
Dusk hoover ring dawn ting task of badinage
...Dusk hoover ring dawn ting task of badinage... This hug gust aspiring writer..., albeit youth fool looking imp posse Hubble wordsmith, (i.e. the babbling dad) coon sitters hyperbole insync as a......Read the rest...
Categories: cortex, 12th grade, addiction, adventure,
Form: Rhyme
A Poet's Eyes
...Seeing — Unseeing the words drift away far into the current of what’s left to say Passing my cortex and into the void where blind recognition awaits to destroy Familiar or foreign once s......Read the rest...
Categories: cortex, poets,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Shape Shifting Soul
... Written: June 1st 2024, For Unseeking Seeker Contest "here I am in human form but it was not always quite so earth is not the only planet I’ve been to through past life regress......Read the rest...
Categories: cortex, angel, death, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Maestro And His Deaf Child
... Quote: Bring forth the music dear lover of soul, she's waiting for a drop A Conducter's baton fills the air with caresses of passion and zest as a black patent leather shoe taps gently on a......Read the rest...
Categories: cortex, appreciation, music,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Wounded Sigh
... Written: March 28, 2024 For Edward Ibeh Contest ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is a myth that time cures any wound, It is merely what people say and sound. When ......Read the rest...
Categories: cortex, appreciation, bereavement, voice,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Eben Alexander
...near death experiences compel us to relook at our beliefs take the case of Eben Alexander hard nosed neuro surgeon with his cortex fully severed he yet returned healed speaking ......Read the rest...
Categories: cortex, death, mystery, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Stark Change
...I stared into the mirror, wincing at my own reflection, through eyes fogged by cataract. Saw a black tint spreading around my eyes and face like a wrinkled piece of linen Where is ......Read the rest...
Categories: cortex, age, angst, change,
Form: Free verse
Brownian Motion Writ Large
...Brownian motion writ large... within small medium as light brainstorm doth hail forth the following poem. Across the realm of gray matter slowly percolating within tissue composed of neuron......Read the rest...
Categories: cortex, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry