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Corps Poems - Poems about Corps

I'M All For Espirit-De-Corps
I'm all for Espirit-de-corps the common loyalty within a group I'm all for Espirit-de-corps like here and now on poetry soup 'Espirit-de-corps': Definition - A feeling of pride and mutual loyalty shared by the members of a group....Read the rest...
Categories: corps, appreciation, care, community, french,
Form: Rhyme
To the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
Do stand against them with all might. Their favor or disfavor Is not what you have ever sought. Those who hanged their own saver, The Judases whose shame resides for ever on their foul brows, Are born of...Read the rest...
Categories: corps, peace, usa, war,
Form: Couplet

Captain Leslie Holden, Australian Flying Corps 1st Aif, the Other Red Baron
Leslie Holden came from East Adelaide a South Australia town When on 26 May 1915 he enlisted in the 4th Light Horse of the AIF renown He was a driver when the 4th left for Egypt...Read the rest...
Categories: corps, war, , western,
Form: Epic
Police Corps
P-arading at ceremonies, protecting and preventing conflicts and violence O-fficiating official outings and offering guides and shields L-anguishing your own at any point of call I-nvestigating initials of the inevitable crimes and dooms C-onfident to move to meet flaming...Read the rest...
Categories: corps, 3rd grade, conflict, courage,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member The Press Corps
society's peeping Toms lusting after headlines...Read the rest...
Categories: corps, culture, society,
Form: Monoku

Esprit De Corps
When achievements stops to you and says bye. You must learn to espy opportunity. Try to give the best even at stale conditions What you do is not erroneous. You are the esoteric one. You can,we know, you'll, we know Don't...Read the rest...
Categories: corps, future, happiness, happy, hello,
Form: Blitz
Pledge of a Youth Corps Member
I thought one day to play my part and I was sent Now I’m in a strange land but not a stranger in the land We’re gathered here, bearing one purpose in mind And looking gaily, bright faces,...Read the rest...
Categories: corps, dedication, on work and
Form: Free verse
Peace Corps
Two women in their twenties Were conversing where I sat. They chatted ‘bout their lives, A little this, a bit of that. But one thing that I overheard Sure made me pay attention, For entering the Peace Corps Was one woman’s planned...Read the rest...
Categories: corps, introspection, life, travel, me,
Form: Rhyme
zombies with no souls they only know consumption no rest and no sleep...Read the rest...
Categories: corps, business
Form: Senryu
Marine Corps Salute
Fighting the fight way away from me Reunited in my dream I stand motionless Eyeing his stillness I inquire about his thoughts His attention I caught A silent conversation we had Feeling everything but sad Our brotherhood takes root As I wake up to...Read the rest...
Categories: corps, family, friendship, sad,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry