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Pledge of a Youth Corps Member

I thought one day to play my part and I was sent Now I’m in a strange land but not a stranger in the land We’re gathered here, bearing one purpose in mind And looking gaily, bright faces, fresh from home I have been camped here for eighteen days now I have been equipped and armed to the teeth With great arms needed for this bloodless war The nation may not observe what we do today Our tasks is not to please any, but be just corpers Dressed in khakis, crested vests and oversized boots Marching to and fro, under sun’s scorch, like soldiers Bridging the gaps between villages and government Preaching the sermon of a better Nigeria to everyone And just within the spheres of our influence to act But ask just this one thing from our great nation The support of our government as it seems right. If the government too, shall lead by example In the supreme campaign towards a better Nigeria We hope to follow each step with all our hearts And be faithful, loyal and honest To make a reality, the essence of this scheme. Though our footsteps make only a light impression on this soil We shall do our best and wish the government does too For each small step is a giant leap of growth And we would fight as true patriots of our dear nation To defend her unity, uphold her honour and glory So help us God.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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