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Continue Poems - Poems about Continue

Continue Poems - Examples of all types of poems about continue to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for continue.
I Continue To Walk
With my heart hovering On the heaviest roads East, West, South and North I falter and fall But continue to walk As a bird who carries his nest In his heart along I continue to walk With a hearty smile...Read the rest...
Categories: continue, courage, devotion, journey,
Form: Free verse
I believe the souls will continue living somewhere else
mum, when you told these people that you want us to pay for the sins we did, so you won't pray for us. The way you said it, like it is something easy to speak about,...Read the rest...
Categories: continue, 9th grade,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Freedom is the realization that freedom is just another drug to calm a pain, to continue the show
Freedom is the realization that freedom is just another drug to calm a pain, to continue the show, And this drug comes in a variety of models, prices for the mass market or highly segregated niches. In...Read the rest...
Categories: continue, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Why I Must Continue Living
It’s becoming clear Why I want to disappear. But it won’t end here. "Must live for those you hold dear," Is what God says in my ear....Read the rest...
Categories: continue, god, inspirational, life, philosophy,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member The Fires Continue
The devastation is beyond comprehension Little can be done to control its dimension Fort McMurray is ablaze For relief we all pray As the tragedy continues in spite of intervention...Read the rest...
Categories: continue, depression,
Form: Limerick

Continue Continue na jornada do empreender, com menos faz mais, eis a pista. Continue: é no sonho que a vida insiste, quem persiste, com menos faz muito e mais e mais....Read the rest...
Categories: continue, business,
Form: Free verse
Continue Continue na jornada do empreender, com menos faz mais, eis a pista. Continue: é no sonho que a vida insiste, quem persiste, com menos faze muito...Read the rest...
Categories: continue, business,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Psalm 63:4 Continue and Often Shall I Praise You
Continually and often shall I praise you as long as I am breathing I will praise you as long as I live I will shout your name in voice all activate my life I'll speak...Read the rest...
Categories: continue, 10th grade, blessing, feelings,
Form: Pantoum
Premium Member The Adventures Continue
Life is a series of fleeting adventures…we never truly know what’s in store as each day we add new adventures to the ones we’ve had before. We sold our little camper yesterday…she is tiny, white and blue her...Read the rest...
Categories: continue, adventure,
Form: Rhyme
Old and New 4 : Continue To Sing
OLD AND NEW 4 : CONTINUE TO SING Sipping cold champagne in silver cuff links at Thai restaurants eating red curried prawns while workers gape at former leaders sold Forlorn women starve in naked hospital corridors rulers drool in...Read the rest...
Categories: continue, 12th grade, africa, allegory,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Continue To Fly
I used to dream. Wished upon many stars that my Knight would come, rescue me. Save me from the wicked witch of depression, fill an emptiness felt within. Then I woke, realized what an illusion. I am my...Read the rest...
Categories: continue, depression, strength,
Form: Free verse
Continue Continue sempre continue a compartilhar seu coração seu trabalho e sua vida. Tudo na vida ou nos negócios qualquer obstáculo ou desafio – pode ser superado continuando com humor, fé e fazendo mais e mais....Read the rest...
Categories: continue, business,
Form: Free verse
The Pentagon's Planned Religious Persecutions
"The Pentagon is giving birth to a baby and he does not like me." You Tube Internet blogger Troy Black. It is not a physical baby boy but a brand new concept giving birth in our...Read the rest...
Categories: continue, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Narrative
Oh Continue
Don't be mad at yourself on this On me; my supposed dear, take it easy Live in the memory of your true feelings But regret not the best of your past dealings Hunting your present you regard future...Read the rest...
Categories: continue, africa, age, art, betrayal,
Form: Rhyme
Drop the Ruse Continue Abuse
Evidently beyond your control they must be less for you to be more A drive beyond Your governess to belittle,discard,abhor declaring self hero or victim Simultaneously Acting so mean Needing to reduce All others to the smoothest satiny sheen Worn by your abrasive ways Chip,chip, Chipping away As you...Read the rest...
Categories: continue, 1st grade,
Form: Rhyme

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