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Contagious Disease Poems - Poems about Contagious Disease

Contagious Disease Poems - Examples of all types of poems about contagious disease to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for contagious disease.
Premium Member veins of vanity
...i g n o r a n c e, a contagious disease turning specks of stars to stones, burning bridges of life, locked with names engraved in gold and glitter, leaving a s k y of sorrow filled with ashes,......Read the rest...
Categories: contagious disease, deep, muse,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Swastikah Scars on a vibrant four month old on modern day Israelites
...2012 still thriving with a horrid scar it’s sad that anyone would find a st Jude scar as attractive the documenting of trauma illnesses it’s sad go fund me caring for a healthy thriving toddler bapti......Read the rest...
Categories: contagious disease, allah,
Form: Masnavi

...Goodness has no:                    Race                    Color                    Ethnicity                    Nationality                    Culture                    Boundaries       ......Read the rest...
Categories: contagious disease, caregiving, character, humanity,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member My Contagious Disease
... I wrote a Monoku about bamboo and Zen ~ found it fun, and then I was totally obsessed with writing more ~ so I wrote twenty-four monokumania is a disease ~ with rhyming end words ~ yes, pleas......Read the rest...
Categories: contagious disease, poetry,
Form: Monoku
A Hero
...When you chose to lay your weapon down, I was baffled; we had fought for what's felt like a millennia Killing our brothers like savages-- rabid with a contagious disease "Slaughter thy enemy......Read the rest...
Categories: contagious disease, brother, conflict, corruption, self,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Contagious Disease
...Beware the loose tongue Spewing out mean, nasty words Contagious disease Harming the self and others Inner longing for solace June 1, 2021......Read the rest...
Categories: contagious disease, abuse, anti bullying, hurt,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Olfactory Factuality
...The facts of life, O birds and bees, how getting aroused, can trigger a sneeze, Weird as it seems, science explains, this behavior’s no contagious disease, Apparently nasal erectile tissue, ca......Read the rest...
Categories: contagious disease, allegory, allusion, crush, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Coronavirus Outbreak
...COVID-19 a contagious disease inherited from SARS-COV-2 borne a new killer disease, called coronavirus. Weak immune system, a havoc to your frail body, exposure can kill anybody. Quarantine, I......Read the rest...
Categories: contagious disease, anxiety, grief, heartbroken, scary,
Form: Elegiac Lyric
Laughter the Contagious Disease
...It spreads like a contagious disease Going from one to another Spreading like a wild fire As quick as it started, it will end Bringing a smile, that will last forever.......Read the rest...
Categories: contagious disease, cheer up, happiness, happy,
Form: Free verse
Only Few Can Understand
...PTSD…an invisible illness that people may not know, An illness that anytime the victim could blow, But nobody cares and compassion hasn’t show, Because only few can understand…. Others discerne......Read the rest...
Categories: contagious disease, anti bullying, discrimination, mental
Form: Dramatic Verse
The Kiss of Death
...A poisoned mind.. Venom poured and trickled through.. Wounded by rituals thrust upon me. Intoxication of your madness.. Betrayed effortlessly.. A deceitful cunning environment.. Contagious di......Read the rest...
Categories: contagious disease, betrayal, conflict, dark, metaphor,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Rapacious Itch
...Rapacious Itch It felt things coming, The undeniable bottom feeder reality, Where thought had no credulity, Where irrational emoting ruled, Void of mind’s prep, Blind of light’s reve......Read the rest...
Categories: contagious disease, society,
Form: Prose Poetry
...Coming back home to you in my head, that was the plan my very wish It's been three long years since I've seen you last and four long years since you performed heart surgery upon me The story bet......Read the rest...
Categories: contagious disease, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
My Faith Flies
...On my doorstep it lay At thine feet thence went My faith thou flyeth Under the cloud where lains trouble Above the cloud took me in a swoop Thou flyeth my faith in trouble Like smoke an......Read the rest...
Categories: contagious disease, africa, anti bullying, black
Form: Imagism
...Set me free from the bondage you have You wrapped me in and never let me out Contagious disease swallowing me whole To your expense I am not adjourn Carry me over to where you rest I beg you p......Read the rest...
Categories: contagious disease, life, stress,
Form: Ode

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