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A Hero

When you chose to lay your weapon down, I was baffled; we had fought for what's felt like a millennia Killing our brothers like savages-- rabid with a contagious disease "Slaughter thy enemy!" But, we're all the same Fighting the noble cause "Justice for all!" Murder Yes, we know Nothing is just Black Nothing is just White What happened to the Gray? When did I become my own enemy When you chose to lay your weapon down, I was relieved; no longer are you a moving target, just one to the heart Seeing you, so close Is this what your family saw? I want-- I have to look away from such a sight We're only pretending to know, to be good; "I am not the Bad Guy!" They said it too What makes us so different-- the right words When you chose to lay your weapon down, I was scared; what did that mean for me? Killing the Bad Guy-- a Human, where is the "Good" in me Falling to my knees, I dare not look up What Hero am I giving up like this How could you have blinded yourself as to not see; too much Black, too much White Ignoring the Gray There are no Heroes in this story

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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