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Conniving Poems - Poems about Conniving

Conniving Poems - Examples of all types of poems about conniving to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for conniving.
I'd rather stay awake
My mom used to say, Dreams are stories of, the unconscious mind. I’ve healed, Doctor I’ve healed, Mom and Dad I’ve healed, I tell everyone I see Dreams, oh conniving dreams of the wicked. You don’t let me forget, my past, do you? (will you please...Read the rest...
Categories: conniving, change, dream, how i
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Scribes, Conniving or Naive
Led by star, Wise men came to worship. The Scribes connived; or were they just naive about the secret plot and very evil intent of the King? Oh, what irony! He believed Scripture, but used it to kill. 121923PS ...Read the rest...
Categories: conniving, bible, christmas,
Form: Prose

Premium Member Conniving Toad Mothers
Mister Toad was relaxing with coffee, His toes were warming up in the sun Autumn cider was brewing He was planning some leaf jumping fun That is Mister Toad someone said with awe. He is an amazing guy, always thinking...Read the rest...
Categories: conniving, 1st grade, 4th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Conniving Giraffes
I've never seen a more comical face than that of a giraffe begging for corn. Its black tongue makes it look like a nut-case, as its eyes stare down with an air of scorn. Giraffes have a long triangular...Read the rest...
Categories: conniving, africa, animal, car, care,
Form: Quatrain
Fly I: My Weak
Sensual betrayal, Mind jumbled in a fight with itself, Heart on it's own, Emotions fighting to survive depression, Depression, A shameless foe, Who drains, From both heart and Mind, Mind on it's own, Thoughts in jeopardy, Heart and mind become pitiful foes, Conniving with...Read the rest...
Categories: conniving, anxiety, depression, self,
Form: Blank verse

Premium Member Tornado Battlion
dimitri korchenski commander ukraine, leading the dammed some men so defamed Crimes against children as honour to them, sewer frequenters bad tidings bad ends.. No strangers to torture, self glory.. Gory matters it's plain, plain knowledge...Read the rest...
Categories: conniving, abuse, allusion, angst, conflict,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Twist of Truth
My accountant’s forever twisting truth between glasses of generous tall vermouth, forever conniving to save face while under breath reciting grace. Endlessly playing the most convoluted charades, he masterminds the grandest schemes and escapades. Inevitably he comes to the same conclusion that...Read the rest...
Categories: conniving, games, truth,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Conniving Wayfaring Vagabond
He’s a conniving, wayfaring vagabond Roaming around with nary a bond He was a delight Casanova all night Many women became totally fond....Read the rest...
Categories: conniving, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Convoluted Story
skirting issues in roundabout ways mysterious and baffling deliberately foggy AP: Honorable Mention 2020 Submitted on May 28, 2020 to contest BRIAN'S CHOICE Z sponsored by BRIAN STRAND...Read the rest...
Categories: conniving, fantasy, games, spoken word,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Rabbit Hole
What dangers lurk on the dark side of one’s imaginary world what fantasy will lure you to your undoing in such conniving ways so innocent her smile she will entice you most beguiling charms down an endless rabbit hole deceiving snare illusion turned to quicksand and to what end you ask it’s...Read the rest...
Categories: conniving, dark, fantasy, games, imagination,
Form: Free verse
Trump Thriving While Conniving
Trump Thriving While Conniving Not only is Trump out there thriving, He is also evil while being conniving, And all are foes, He does suppose; Rest of us have been barely surviving. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: conniving, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Taxfree Scheming
There once was a gullible taxman Who dated a rich lady named Ann When the taxes were due She declared I love you Why don't we take a trip to Milan AP: Honorable Mention 2021 Posted on December 31, 2018...Read the rest...
Categories: conniving, husband, money, silly, vacation,
Form: Limerick
Trump Can Be Constantly Conniving
Trump Can Be Constantly Conniving Knew Trump can be constantly conniving; From golden showers has been reviving; Good grief; Beyond belief; Amazing how his supporters are surviving. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: conniving, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Conniving Tongue of a Liar
Words blended with honey, dripping, completely gullible, I continued sipping, drinking in all those little deceptive lies. and never once questioning the alibis. Conniving sweetmeats slipped from a tongue became fetid droppings, as offensive as dung. Crafty candy-coated lies were only...Read the rest...
Categories: conniving, identity,
Form: Rhyme
Operation Conniving
So this is what it's like, On the other side. So this is what it's like, To be the one who lied. Operation Conniving. Eyes open, doors pried. Once I sat, reluctant to use what I knew. Allowing the waste of a...Read the rest...
Categories: conniving, angst, confusion, introspection, life,
Form: I do not know?

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry