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Confide Poems - Poems about Confide

'confide In Me'
I can offer you help, support, tips and advice Confide in me, I will guide you toward the light Where you find yourself right now, that's where I used to be I fought my way out of the...Read the rest...
Categories: confide, depression, devotion, emotions, encouraging,
Form: Rhyme
Retired Souls In Rhyme Confide
I fear as I drip my word Teardrops would be overheard No verse shall set its rhythm or whine I dread my anguish is seen as I rhyme Whatever deep into my soul unable to mute I wholly surrender to...Read the rest...
Categories: confide, deep, faith, how i
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Confide In Me
Reveal your pain with confidence It'd stay secret between us two Deep hurt shows through your broken smile Reveal your pain with confidence If you prefer by phone, please dial And you'll learn my share...Read the rest...
Categories: confidence, encouraging, feelings, pain,
Form: Triolet
Premium Member With You I Confide
Rays of warm sunshine spread a blanket through Colorful leaves that are waving goodbye In the nip of cold air that says its true Still playfully bouncing under blue sky Trees give into winter’s arrival soon But through bare branches,...Read the rest...
Categories: confide, beauty, dance, seasons, trust,
Form: Sonnet
Tried To Abide and Confide
Tried To Abide and Confide There are many things that I tried; While watching changing of the tide, All over sand, Do understand; Then showing off ego with my pride. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: confide, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick

Always Knew In Christ Could Confide
Always Knew In Christ Could Confide We always knew in Christ could confide; On Him did depend on and have relied; Sheaves in bring, While songs sing, And read Bible where He was clarified. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: confide, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Feeling Nostalgic
how i miss the dark calm of our hideout where we would share our secrets and feel safe time stood still in our cocoon where life seemed ever simpler AP: Honorable Mention 2020 Posted on May 2, 2019...Read the rest...
Categories: confide, friendship love, nostalgia, simple,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I Trust One
I work with sixty adults Out of these sixty I trust one To keep a confidence I had tried to trust two ...Read the rest...
Categories: confide, trust,
Form: Free verse
Can Confide In Jesus
Can Confide In Jesus We really wondered what was the matter; Around countryside people would scatter; Needed a guide, Who in to confide; Saw Jesus soon and around did gather. Said many things while he was speaking; Our Lord and savior we...Read the rest...
Categories: confide, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Confide Say what’s on your mind To relieve you from misery Then cast to the wind Ralph Sergi© October 23, 2017...Read the rest...
Categories: confide, wisdom,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Someone To Confide In Part 1
It's better, so better, you better you ought to believe; It's better, so better, if you just be still and receive; Of all this worrying, stop and believe, receive God's victory. . . It's better to believe in...Read the rest...
Categories: confide, appreciation, assonance, bereavement, caregiving,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member In You Heart Can Confide - Daveda's Concrete Candle Style
~In You Heart Can Confide~ (Daveda's Hybrid Concrete Candle) Dear Lord You're My light You give Love hope Peace joy In you We can Be strong Through all Life's storms You guide With love Wisdom Truth save Our souls In you my heart can confide Lord, you're my true light and my guide. Dorian Petersen Potter aka...Read the rest...
Categories: confide, faith, hope, inspirational, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member In You My Heart Can Confide - Daveda's Hybrid Concrete Candle Style
~In You My Heart Can Confide~ (Daveda's Hybrid Concrete Candle) Dear Lord You're My light You give Love hope Peace joy In you We can Be strong Through all Life's storms You guide With love ...Read the rest...
Categories: confide, faith, hope, inspirational, love,
Form: Shape
Desolate times, how eternaly damned, what to feel, where to stand? Blind to things, things to come, unaware of who it may be deliverd from. Embrace this sadness, yet takith away, so to feel once...Read the rest...
Categories: confide, depressionme,
Form: I do not know?
Expression, Depression Both intertwined without conffesion Hidden feelings, heart sealed Never letting your heart revealed Your emotions are yours, no one else can read You are your own, you take your own lead Never confiding always hiding You cant even talk to me without...Read the rest...
Categories: confide, loveheart, heart,
Form: Rhyme

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