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Complexity Poems - Poems about Complexity

Complexity Poems - Examples of all types of poems about complexity to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for complexity.
Premium Member Complexity
Waves wander unrestrained far out to sea in impassioned mood relentlessly striving to discover the allure of an elusive horizon. Undaunted I follow in their wake… A life fraught with the unpredictable. - - - - - - - - -...Read the rest...
Categories: complexity, life, metaphor,
Form: Etheree
Shadows and Truths
On the noisy streets of a hurried world, Labels are thrown, like in a card game unfurled. A sad smile, or a tear, are signs of danger near, “You're anxious!”, “You're depressed!”, sharp voices we hear. With ease, society...Read the rest...
Categories: complexity, abuse, integrity, memory, motivation,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Curtain of Complexity
The dream play May feature a Curtain of complexity Drawn over the Simplicity of ~No-separation~ ~Which unexpectedly~ May appear As the curtain~~ ...Read the rest...
Categories: complexity, beauty, imagery, miracle, mystery,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Simplicity
Heartbeat of my soul Oh, simplicity come unto me Flow through me that I may be enlightened That life’s complexities be rendered helpless Be not dismayed and be not in awe of me For what I say I heard from...Read the rest...
Categories: complexity, beauty, introspection, love, simple,
Form: Free verse
Is this what I seek? loud gratitude and a soon end. Words once comforting They seem so fake Expression is vulnerable. Can I come out of this Darkness, yet? Waves in my tranquil sea. Happiness; Is it worth it all? Thoughts...Read the rest...
Categories: complexity, 9th grade, anxiety, appreciation,
Form: Free verse

The Light From the Shadows
The Light from the Shadows The light from the shadows of a thousand candles burning The bright configuration of a lighthouse plainly warning Plain sight considerations of a future that is forming Contrite observations of memories of the...Read the rest...
Categories: complexity, 12th grade, courage, environment,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Complexity of Octopus Dna
octopus, as I study you your geneology is not tried and true alien DNA is what you have, my friend i wish could talk to clear up this trend your extensive genome has great complexity with thirty thousand coding genes,...Read the rest...
Categories: complexity, science,
Form: Rhyme
When Sex Changes the Complexity of a Relationship
Driven by the need for pleasure! Often the transaction of lust Can end up in the wrong way When sex changes the ratio of your relationship Then the conversation changes The mood changes and the direction of the relationship...Read the rest...
Categories: complexity, relationship,
Form: Free verse
They wonder at my doubt and laugh at my hesitation -if they even care- while they smile as if they understand the world. Do they ever stop to consider a feather floating by on the wind? Can they tell me its...Read the rest...
Categories: complexity, truth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Complexity and Perspective
In nature’s pool, away from the moon jellyfish, those rose tinted wonders of illuminated buoyancy, my ankles avoid the terror of tentacles where a perfect CocoCay day, would not be, to be stung. In nature’s pool, absorbing the sun’s zeal and...Read the rest...
Categories: complexity, bird, sea,
Form: Free verse
Higher Grammatical Complexity
Grammatical complexity the young must have, To coexist with their immortality. The young nimble mind, the mind that swells as Would a wave that crashes upon your rocky shore. Teach them no profanity, teach them well, give unto them Your...Read the rest...
Categories: complexity, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Complexity
COMPLEXITY addressed   &simplified quietly emotional this figurative emotion   driven manipulated cropping up then discovered    finding the range in a haze  of silence THIS IS AN OPEN(organic) FORM VERSE without grammatical symbols the ' open' relies upon 'the one breath limitation' & so inherently requires the 'reader' (reciter) to input and respond thus making the form a two...Read the rest...
Categories: complexity, poetry,
Form: Other
Premium Member Complicated
Who are you? Self awareness is very tricky. You’re very complicated, we all are, people are the most complicated things we encounter in our everyday lives. Now imagine two complicated people together. We manage this complexity by limiting each other, with...Read the rest...
Categories: complexity, assonance, conflict, culture, education,
Form: Free verse
Complex if thus had , I never understood well its complexity......Read the rest...
Categories: complexity, allusion, appreciation, humanity, metaphor,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Complexity of Her Heart-
The complexity of her heart Also doing part bleeding has stop Her emotions were worth Her tell tail heart Has stopped God has to remodel her For you see she is heartbroken? 7/31/2@ Written words by James Edward Lee Sr © 2021...Read the rest...
Categories: complexity, anxiety, betrayal, heartbroken,
Form: Free verse

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