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Columbia Poems - Poems about Columbia

Columbia Poems - Examples of all types of poems about columbia to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for columbia.

Premium Member Trapped in the Ivy League
Kathy Boudin thought the U.S. beyond repair, She thought she saw the deep reality, and it was unfair. From SDS to the Weather Underground, She dived deep in Marxism, plain sense no longer found. A bomb went off, unintended,...Read the rest...
Categories: columbia, america, culture, freedom,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Vanishing Act
Remember when we believed a NYC street block was too far? 50th, 51st, 52nd, and so on... well, state boundaries stack those blocks, and now there are thousands, maybe millions, blocking. My preschool days taught...Read the rest...
Categories: columbia, betrayal, romance,
Form: Free verse

The Columbia
Visit my soul Great River of the West. Come touch my heart with your absolute truth, Pausing for no one on your ocean’s quest. You teach to forgive; now I, in turn blest In wisdom of age. My...Read the rest...
Categories: columbia, blessing, environment, history, prayer,
Form: Villanelle

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Coquihalla Holiday
Loaded up and gassed Got a four-day pass Ramblin' in the Rockies ...Coquihalla holiday Crested o’er the pass Hope the brakes’ll last Needle Peak behind me ...Coquihalla holiday Driver’s turnin’ pale Down the Devil’s Tail To Othello. It's a mother. ...Coquihalla holiday Evening shadows fade Running down grade Almost...Read the rest...
Categories: columbia, horse, nature, vacation, word
Form: Rhyme
Fo'C's'Le - a Dream
fo'c·'sle /'fohksel/ noun deriv: forecastle 1. the forward part of a ship below the deck, traditionally used as the crew's living quarters. ...Read the rest...
Categories: columbia, boat, endurance, history, native
Form: Dramatic Monologue

Chinook Moon
Ilchee, the "Moon Girl". She paddled her own canoe ~ Bronze gaze, heart of steel. Featured: Poetry Soup homepage. Week of 12/10/23 blogsview/4848702/ilchee--moon-girl-gazing---waterfront-renaissance-trail--vancouver-wa...Read the rest...
Categories: columbia, history, moon, native american,
Form: Senryu
The Long House
The Long House Precontact Our sky is incense ...Read the rest...
Categories: columbia, environment, history, native american,
Form: Senryu
British Columbia Acrostic Poem
B is for Beautiful British Columbia R is for the Radiance of my Province I is for the Inspiring people in my Province T is for the Talents in my Province I is for the...Read the rest...
Categories: columbia, celebration,
Form: Acrostic
For the Crew of the Shuttle Columbia
As they traveled across the clear blue sky At 16 minutes they said goodbye Our loving God our sovereign King Call them home to be with him Now with Jesus the seven walk They smile they rejoice They touch his...Read the rest...
Categories: columbia, dedication,
Form: Free verse
Columbia Fall
When chilled Carolina winds blow, pecans discarded on ground below, a thousand eyes are peering down, on every branch a shattered crown. Pine boughs clash in windy creak, woodpeckers juicy worms do seek, red-tails prowl for their errant prey while lazy cats...Read the rest...
Categories: columbia, autumn,
Form: Rhyme
Columbia 2003
COLUMBIA 2003 The seven gaze into the azure haze: In their prism-sky the heavens seem opening. All are happy, “We’re going home at last.” 40 miles to Dallas....Read the rest...
Categories: columbia, travel
Form: Free verse
I'M Sorry About British Columbia
I’M SORRY ABOUT BRITISH COLUMBIA Sorry but I can’t see much nice about BC Us prairie boys like skies blue, not cloudy And our landscapes flatter ...Read the rest...
Categories: columbia, nice, nice,
Form: Quatrain
I Saw Columbia Rise
I saw the Columbia rise today Majestic through the skies A fire burning burnt nothing away A wingless bird before my eyes And this ship that bears that name Of the greatest captain who Sailed abraod in Isabella's name To find the...Read the rest...
Categories: columbia, life
Form: Quatrain

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry