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Coining Poems - Poems about Coining

...I cannot become flat My curves are not straight lines My die is cast, forged by fire Yet I try to bend it for you I put the blow torch to my heart Coining it over the anvil Pressing it to new......Read the rest...
Categories: coining, growth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Why Did I Become A Poet
...Does anyone ask a bird to sing or a rose to bloom? Does anyone comfort a butterfly in times of gloom? Reaping nectar is built into a honeybee's instinct. Aren't thoughts and feelings, like chains ......Read the rest...
Categories: coining, poems, poets,
Form: Rhyme

The Peril
...You are all vehement and gutsy Putting across even the wrong forcefully With vulgarity drawing a bow or curtsy From a righteous man smeared shamefully You care not for truth but to win Teasi......Read the rest...
Categories: coining, god, life,
Form: Rhyme
Coining Thoughts
...I am coining thoughts Like copper pennies and most loved quarters I am gathering leaves and flowers as Spring is giving so much grace But I am dropping moments and time I am missing the season ......Read the rest...
Categories: coining, love,
Form: Free verse
Some Pro's and Con's of Being Virtually Connected To Reality Poetic Verses
...Some Pro's and Con's of being Virtually Connected to Reality poetic verses Dune not be bashful, grumpy, leery or any other contemporary dwarf man even countless less well known dwarves (that ne......Read the rest...
Categories: coining, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Too Big To Fail
...Emerging from cooperative economic indecision, a leftwinged political decision "Too big to fail" is also our unecological rightwinged euphemism for a politically unpalatable "Too rich to fail." ......Read the rest...
Categories: coining, animal, creation, earth day,
Form: Political Verse
On Coining An Acronym For the Neologism 'Occult Microaggresion'
...On coining an acronym for the neologism  'occult microaggresion' 'OM' is right, But might get the Buddhists backs up.... OMA, WTAF? What about OMA? Its German for granny, but I've no objection......Read the rest...
Categories: coining, irony,
Form: Light Verse
Gobbledygook About Thanks Taking Formerly Known As Thanksgiving
...Heretofore stuffing said scandalous fête worst day of year turkeys do hate though vegan lifestyle sweeping culinary tables of late though me and the missus still omnivorous foods sate palates......Read the rest...
Categories: coining, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Just Showmanship Ii
...The old man of his money, she threatens and refuses to redeem the deadliest viper amongst her peers, so she seem. It’s Friday, her acidic sentences, she won’t utter the day needs to be holy, evide......Read the rest...
Categories: coining, evil, islamic, religion, religious,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Aphorisms- Idiomatic Expressions
... *Aphorisms/ Idiomatic expressions* (Short, pithy, instructive sayings passed down through the years) Composed: by Tom Wright 7/12/2018 The man who coined the aphorism “Seize the Day” ......Read the rest...
Categories: coining, satire,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Swoonworthy
...Owe a debt of gratitude to my dear friend Mo For coining this clever word, that describes a new plateaux As clever as she seems Not close, she literally beams With brilliant brain stuff, ......Read the rest...
Categories: coining, class,
Form: Limerick
Some Pros and Cons of Being Virtually Connected To Reality 2nd Byte
...who felt incorporeal storied power of Herman Melville as zen unseen aid instructing hypothetic rich kid to drop out of school before his/her first grade coz of all the money he/she made ......Read the rest...
Categories: coining, 10th grade, appreciation, computer,
Form: Free verse
Advent - the Basis of the Christian Church
...Advent is the first celebration of the Christian church, Its first calendar event, not in December but in November, On the last Sunday of November, and is normally, usually, The first festival/c......Read the rest...
Categories: coining, baby, birthday, celebration, christmas,
Form: Rhyme
Drug Culture
...This what would happen in an alternate Universe Many things would be different and oceans dispersed. There's no such thing as hunger, water or air. Because everyone's a vapor without any care. C ......Read the rest...
Categories: coining, addiction, analogy, best friend,
Form: Rhyme
...Time has created writers of century Praised aloud for writings honorary Prized globally with invaluable glory Turning lines to deep thinking story Magic of dots lead revolution purely Unleashi......Read the rest...
Categories: coining, imagination, on writing and
Form: Rhyme

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