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Cloudburst Poems - Poems about Cloudburst

Cloudburst Poems - Examples of all types of poems about cloudburst to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for cloudburst.
A celestial marriage
Crowns our world with clouds, green plants and waters. Sun, moon, stars, rains and rainbows ~ its daughters Their beams from far in one dead outer space. Atmospheres pack airs into its vast vase. Sparks up lights to send...Read the rest...
Categories: cloudburst, seasons, space, sun, surreal,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Cloudburst Hs
dark clouds gathering atmospheric pressure drops umbrellas unfold april showers fall huge raindrops pitter patter i dream of sunshine sun peeks through grey clouds scent of petrichor rises kids jump in puddles beautiful rainbow arcs sky with vivid colours warming zephyr breeze sun appears after the rain blackbird...Read the rest...
Categories: cloudburst, weather,
Form: Other

Premium Member Cloudburst
two bodies shudder locked arms and legs disengage… wild wind rushes in agitated the tent flees they took an early shower © Harry J Horsman 2023...Read the rest...
Categories: cloudburst, sensual,
Form: Tanka

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Cooling Cloudburst
As lightning brights the meadow And thunder dulls the air; I feel it still, A stormy chill, An aura everywhere. I wander o'er the pathway And paddle through the rain; My bootheels squash The squelchy wash Along the puddled lane. My face refreshed with teardrops The...Read the rest...
Categories: cloudburst, environment, nature, rain, rainbow,
Form: Pastoral
Premium Member Cloudburst
a cloudburst deluge everything comes to a halt then rainbows appear Written June 26, 2022...Read the rest...
Categories: cloudburst, rain, rainbow,
Form: Haiku

Rain clatters the window, a cloudburst in his climax. He listens to his body buck away from a vertex. He feels bruised by his ****** as if she had tricked him; there had been a rock in her river. Her cigarette smoke, now...Read the rest...
Categories: cloudburst, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Cloudburst
Cloudburst With dark clouds of incessant gloom set to burst, Clarity shines first; Subtle winds caress as fragrance goes in air, Imagine the flair; Melody unveils in a sparrow's soft chirp, Dances every twerp; Overflowing emotions set turbulence, Ocean's pure essence; Only to quench...Read the rest...
Categories: cloudburst, cheer up, emotions,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Cloudburst
heaven opens up unleashing sudden downpour who saw that coming? Date written and posted: 08/02/2018...Read the rest...
Categories: cloudburst, imagery, rain,
Form: Haiku
A silence unexpectedly arrived And swiftly birds and animals withdrew A darkness and a calm as if contrived Emerged from what was once sunlight and blue As sudden as the lightning that ensued A thunderous concussion wrapped in rain Draped everything...Read the rest...
Categories: cloudburst, rain, summer,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Cloudburst Aftermath
Cloudburst Aftermath Humid scent of soured pavement rises from a city’s steaming streets accompanied by rippling gutter streams babbling and choking on floating debris. I wave as wet winged voyagers cling to tawdry, fragile craft shooting the cobblestone rapids of Boston’s Beacon Hill. Wafting...Read the rest...
Categories: cloudburst, city, life,
Form: Blank verse
A Cloudburst In Himalayas
thunderous black clouds ...Read the rest...
Categories: cloudburst, nature,
Form: Haiku
Fickle Cloudburst
Reminding yourself to breathe as the stratosphere is falling, imagine verses tumbling midst downpours' dissension sans sentimentality's loquacious language, and the land is left barren as verbosity disintegrates...Read the rest...
Categories: cloudburst, allegory, allusion, betrayal, dark,
Form: Imagism
The clouds are edging, Teasing us with drops of rain, Sun upon our backs. (c) PJ Bayliss ...Read the rest...
Categories: cloudburst, love, romance,
Form: Haiku
In the black dirt where the worms flirt Trees root in the dark earth Fruit falls like a dead limb Rain pours like a soft hymn Boys whine, girls glow Ice forms as the wind...Read the rest...
Categories: cloudburst, magic, nature, nostalgia, seasons,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Cloudburst
from a cloudburst, a bouquet of sparrows...Read the rest...
Categories: cloudburst, nature,
Form: Free verse

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