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Choosing Poems - Poems about Choosing

Choosing Poems - Examples of all types of poems about choosing to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for choosing.
Premium Member choosing neatness over people
His sloppy slipshod attitude Was picked up by both daughters His son took after his wife A minimalist who never abided a mess The son never let the hoarders into his house Losing touch with his father and his sisters Choosing...Read the rest...
Categories: choosing, life,
Form: Free verse
Last Choosing
That one final bullet That one final dagger To use on another Or to use — on ourselves (Dreamsleep: October, 2024) ...Read the rest...
Categories: choosing, conflict,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member CHOOSING LOVE
May we be blessed to stand in love’s all-encompassing glow… having chosen love yesterday… choosing love today… and hopefully….choosing love tomorrow…. Choosing love in the sunlight…in the rain underneath the moon…the stars…. to keep choosing love every day until love becomes exactly...Read the rest...
Categories: choosing, love,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Myself to blame , fault in choosing you
Hair Long to short and teeth once straight BUT now instead crooked Food made fresh, ...Read the rest...
Categories: choosing, age, allusion, mental health,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member choosing nature
I sit in the sun vitamin D massages my bones I feel healthy loving the warmth outside my cave trading dungeon-qualities for lightness away from technology of TV or computers my cell phone inside, on silent choosing nature over stress...Read the rest...
Categories: choosing, sun,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member choosing to stay home
traffic is traveling in all directions I do not miss the frantic feel of driving the stress of wondering when they are going to kill me every car a potential bullet large and mean discourteous and rude choosing to stay home is...Read the rest...
Categories: choosing, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
Choosing The Light
Life littered with litres of distress and stress. Uncertainties certain to terminate happiness in our nest But we chose hope Darkness lingering over our lingerie in secrecy Hurts dished out in hot tempers Yet we chose hope Subjected to torture...Read the rest...
Categories: choosing, happiness, hope, joy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member choosing one thing
I can only wave it once so I have to envision the results entice my flowers, highlight my house or eliminate faults? My imagination has ideas that go up into the air blowing smoke in my mind, without...Read the rest...
Categories: choosing, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member choosing jakes lunch
Sheila was careful about choosing lunch for his pet. It had to be colorful and lively. He liked chasing them around his cage a few laps and feeling their fear, before he gulped them down in one...Read the rest...
Categories: choosing, animal,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Problems in Choosing
between cow or goat I would choose goat loving my horns using them to toss away my enemies between tree or rock I would have a problem I love them both especially cottonwoods and mica between life and death I would choose life because I...Read the rest...
Categories: choosing, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Choosing To Be Happy
As darkness falls And the monsters creep out, I have a moment left to ponder Argue, scream and shout. It’s been so long for me now To feel a calming deep inside, But I’m sick of running from myself And I’ve...Read the rest...
Categories: choosing, change,
Form: Rhyme
Choosing a Ballad for the Karaoke Contest
I choose to sing a gentle song in a soft ballad I find my time and place. A gentle song in peace and love I find my time and place on a makeshift stage. In peace and love in subtleties of verse on a makeshift...Read the rest...
Categories: choosing, inspirational, music, song,
Form: Pantoum
Premium Member Choosing A Genuine Leader
Choosing a genuine leader Is a dauntingly difficult task To constitutionally ask Uninformed voters To vote their conscience. Such a practice defies science And natural common sense. That too many followers lack And where criminals hack The convoluted system With a simple leaf Of a fragile...Read the rest...
Categories: choosing, america, betrayal, fire, halloween,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member choosing to suffer
desire and hope ego groping elopes with fear...Read the rest...
Categories: choosing, angst, desire, fear, hope,
Form: Than-Bauk
Choosing Love
I love you, yes, it's true, Not because I have to, But because hating takes too much, And love is what I choose as such. It's like a warm hug, so nice, Makes our hearts feel light as ice. No frowns...Read the rest...
Categories: choosing, 11th grade, anti bullying,
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry