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choosing one thing

I can only wave it once so I have to envision the results entice my flowers, highlight my house or eliminate faults? My imagination has ideas that go up into the air blowing smoke in my mind, without any worry or care. the ideas are swirling around my dendrite-filled brain. I always wanted a pterodactyl, and a pink whooping crane. My own fire engine was another one of my little dreams. Waving a wand once is not easy it seems. World peace? How would I know? How long would it last? Could I go back into my mistakes, travel back into my past? Could I visit heaven and speak with my mother again? The ideas are endless, quiver is the state of my chin. I will have to have more time, I know that now of course. Black Beauty was gorgeous, do I need a unicorn horse? the faeries are gathering, to watch me make my mind think. I finally wave my wand and give myself a new granite sink.

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