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Chook Poems - Poems about Chook

Premium Member On albos style
...It is written don't kill.' You stupid dill.) You couldnt rise To the level of a souk, your'e bought out, sold out Yet not brought to book.' You're looking jaded your ideas Have faded.' You have a......Read the rest...
Categories: chook, africa, appreciation, culture,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member On becoming Obscene'
...Are things becoming obscene..' With the (over-greens?) Starvation an aim ? Sacrifice..' Is it on your name? M I N D the slope.. So Much evidence..' Yet offers?, No Hope..Whats cooking ain't Ch......Read the rest...
Categories: chook, analogy, education,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Big brother watch org uk
...Big brother watch its a British innovation.' Its seems Almost Orwell inspired? to support the independance Of nations.!! Silkie Carlow heads it up.' Why dont youhave A look in 2024? don't be just ......Read the rest...
Categories: chook, education,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Max the Wonder Dog
... An Introduction to Max Hi, I am a mastiff cross and my name is Max. To be precise it’s Magical Maxi the Wonder Dog but you can call me Max. That’s not to say I possess magical powers as s......Read the rest...
Categories: chook, dog, friendship love, magic,
Form: Prose
...There once was a chicken called ‘Polly’, whose name sounded happy and jolly, ‘til one morning at two, she crowed, “cock-a-doo,” now our chook is a rooster called Wally. ......Read the rest...
Categories: chook, animal, nonsense,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member The Chook House
... The chook house stood empty for most of my childhood. An enclosed corrugated iron shed was surrounded by a wire fence and a wooden gate held on by one rusty hinge. Inside was small a......Read the rest...
Categories: chook, childhood, memory, nostalgia, space,
Form: Free verse
Ferry Interesting
...“I wish the ferry had a fairy,” said Phoebe with a frown to no one in particular (but everyone remembered later on). That’s a strange thing to say on an excursion in Year 5, especially when the te......Read the rest...
Categories: chook, silly,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Chook Inside
...if you had a chook inside, it’s sure to make a mess, If you had a chook inside, never call it Ness, for if you call a chook that name, the mess would be double, a chook called Ness is terrible,......Read the rest...
Categories: chook, animal, fun,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Wrung Out
...Hortense was an Opera singer, Who thought she was a humdinger. Every breath that she took, Screamed like a strangulated chook, The audience put Hortense through the wringer.......Read the rest...
Categories: chook, 10th grade,
Form: Limerick
...Hook of book Chook of cook Rook of shook Dook of look Gook of took Jook of nook Wook of vook......Read the rest...
Categories: chook, 7th grade, adventure,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Peggy Sue's Eggs
...Spotted dress respectable knee length Disguises her many feathered fetishes Fecked feeling clucky, red hen strength Broods on bed of egg beak wet wishes Wings tuck tight within delicate dreams......Read the rest...
Categories: chook, allusion, animal, anti bullying,
Form: Rhyme
Aussie Slang
...Want some toast BLOODY OATH My name is Logan You call me BOGAN GONNA buy a CHOOK Can’t be bothered to cook Feeling CHOC, A BLOCK As I lay on the bed Looking at the clock Want a CIGGI mate ......Read the rest...
Categories: chook, community, freedom,
Form: Rhyme
...Disaster, devastation, death and destiny Headlines, slay us every day Not since some time-past history Were people stricken - this terrible way Self-isolate and stay indoors Restrictions with ......Read the rest...
Categories: chook, betrayal,
Form: Quatrain
...COVID-19 Disaster, devastation, death and destiny Headlines, slay us every day Not since some time-past history Were people stricken - this terrible way Self-isolate and stay indoors Restri......Read the rest...
Categories: chook, death, endurance, health, natural
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Broody Hen
...I went into the garden to feed the chook The bird gave me a very nervous look It knew it would have hell to pay If she had no more eggs to lay......Read the rest...
Categories: chook, 10th grade,
Form: Limerick

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