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Chased Poems - Poems about Chased

Chased Poems - Examples of all types of poems about chased to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for chased.
We Chased Young Love Through The Cornfields
We chased young love through the cornfields, wild and free, A golden maze where laughter danced on the breeze. Each stalk a secret, whispering dreams to the sea, As sunbeams painted our hearts with ease. We were fireflies flickering...Read the rest...
Categories: chased, imagery, imagination, inspirational, inspirational
Form: Free verse
The box that John made
This is the box, ...Read the rest...
Categories: chased, 2nd grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member In the realm where indigo flames are chased by the whims of wind
In the realm where indigo flames are chased by the whims of wind, The horizons have learned to spare my soul the thread of pain. For the first time, of love I croon, a minstrel's virgin strain, From...Read the rest...
Categories: chased, spiritual,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Chased By the Fire
“Chased by the Fire” the story bald faced is in front of us all around the world, brutal bridges are being burned we watch with disbelief, some of us seem to remember familiar passages written, though our experiences are...Read the rest...
Categories: chased, humanity,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Chased By a Glare of Day
It seems no matter the topic Love's always periscopic pushing its little pink nose into a heart purring its way onto the surface like sunlight nudging a tropical sea on the morning rise Be them truth or be them momentary lies love is a garden of starry sighs how we...Read the rest...
Categories: chased, love, night, passion, relationship,
Form: Free verse

I Chased a Girl
I chased a girl and I liked it I chased her to the end I chased her where she fell to I chased her for a friend I asked her where she was I asked her what she liked She told...Read the rest...
Categories: chased, appreciation, crush, cute love,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member I Should Have Chased That Brother Trucker
My friend Dawn always trash talks in a mean way To hear her you would think she is the world’s largest bully. All of this fierceness is blatant fabrication on speed. She is one who cannot do confrontation. Except...Read the rest...
Categories: chased, women,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Being Chased By a Cheetah
Being chased by a cheetah wakes you up fast. You wonder what you did wrong in your past. I saw it leap from a tree, and ran off so fast. But it got me of course, dream was...Read the rest...
Categories: chased, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Chased By a Red Kangaroo
Chased by a two hundred pound kangaroo I hid inside an Alaskan igloo I concocted a wild witch’s brew And put together a tasty stew Someone yelled, “Here is a blue kangaroo!” I knew this was not an ample clue. Had...Read the rest...
Categories: chased, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Being Chased
shadows of the night cast a spell of breathlessness something's chasing me...Read the rest...
Categories: chased, scary,
Form: Haiku
Chased Away
He chased some spirits away So, they wanted to make him pay They came back with force And knocked him off course After that, he beg them to stay...Read the rest...
Categories: chased, fun, humorous,
Form: Limerick
It's not the fireworks It's not the starry sky It's not the staring moonlight It's the night I chased darkness alone...Read the rest...
Categories: chased, desire,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Chased By An African Grootslang
Chased by a South African grootslang, Thrown in the air with a pop and a bang, He yelled “Help! I am being EATEN! Dang!” Grootslang chomped him in half with one fang. I screamed bloody murder with a heartfelt...Read the rest...
Categories: chased, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Chased and Caught By Apathy
Chased down by a lion of apathy She jumps on my back, breaking my trance Pay attention! She yells, punching me in the neck. Apathy, you area pain, I think, but silently. I do not speak; she is...Read the rest...
Categories: chased, humor, humorous,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Chased By Freakish Whores
Caterwauling I had never heard From brown bowels of the wizard’s herd. Turned black Satan bat into a nerd. Enchanted witch asked for a word. I was being chased by freakish whores. Pure mischief oozed out of my pores. I...Read the rest...
Categories: chased, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme

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