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Chai Poems - Poems about Chai

Premium Member Flight of Fire
The Phoenix rises from the ashes filling all with dread. I too rise each morning barely sliding out of bed. His claws are strong, hard is his beaks; he has fire in his eyes. Coffee, coffee, I...Read the rest...
Categories: chai, drink, freedom,
Form: Rhyme
Vanilla chai tea
Vanilla chai tea Its wamth caresses my tongue Mixed with almond milk Sweetness with a nutty taste Warms my heart, and soothes my mind...Read the rest...
Categories: chai, desire, drink, food, happiness,
Form: Tanka

Premium Member chai tea
chai my a spice laden potion cardamom cinnamon motion hint of masala sip to enthral ya journey to another ocean. ...Read the rest...
Categories: chai, autumn, beautiful, celebration, drink,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Chai Tea, Vanilla
"Chai Tea, Vanilla: Writing it All" We are a cauldron steeped, stewing bitter, unlike sweet chai tea boiling and bubbling, our reality, is hard to swallow. how do we live with ourselves, knowing, we live complacently? we observe, we write, we watch it all, the killing of innocence, the black and...Read the rest...
Categories: chai, love, muse, words,
Form: Narrative
I did not plan— did not know, really-- that such a small thing could mean so much. soft, my heart jumps. warm, my hands curl. a little smile, I suspect, that maybe only humans know, but I cannot be so sure. “a cat cannot...Read the rest...
Categories: chai, cat,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Married Chai Elevating 18
Sunflower is the petal symbol, Big round face follows the sun, Signifies Honesty as a yellow cymbal, Light in Truth sets free one, Sheds light on fidelity, living loyal, As 18 is coming of age, Love matures Hon! 18, the Chinese...Read the rest...
Categories: chai, anniversary, flower, giving, growth,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Chai Tea In Red Cup
chai tea in red cup dunking bag like chapel bell down and up to lips — palms commune around the mug chains of cold release their hold 2/28/2020...Read the rest...
Categories: chai, drink,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Streets of Juhu, Mumbai
On the streets of lively Mumbai, Close to the sandy Juhu, They serve Chaat and Masala Chai, To make your heart go Yoohooo!! The English, Locals and Arabs! Jews, Africans and Chinese! Gather to the aroma of the herbs, And to relish...Read the rest...
Categories: chai, arabic, beach, color, feelings,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member One Sip of Chai
When my fatigued pen, succumbed to a sleepy state of silence in the market place of silent poets, I searched for a tea room to stimulate my mind my quest led me to you. I do not recall the colours...Read the rest...
Categories: chai, analogy, appreciation, inspiration,
Form: Free verse
Chai Tea
Out on the porch swing my cup of chai tea brings warmth on a bitter ides of March I rock with the clouds watching flurries slowly fall with spring inside my teacup...Read the rest...
Categories: chai, nature, seasons,
Form: Sedoka
Premium Member Chai Tea Latte
Curled up with a book and a chai tea latte All the cares of the day disappear from sight. It's a sinfully good indulgence to end the day And relaxes me as my day becomes night. Perhaps a second...Read the rest...
Categories: chai, food, day,
Form: Quintain (English)
My Chai
Sitting on the corner of the cafe with my friend after a long day, Sipping the warm and sensual Chai tea, Feeling the cold air from outside brush against my face when someone opens the door, The taste...Read the rest...
Categories: chai, happiness, sensual,
Form: I do not know?
Seductively sweet aromatic pleasure Tensing frazzled nerves together What caffeinated bliss Is tea Chai - Urdu word for tea...Read the rest...
Categories: chai, happiness,
Form: Haiku

Book: Reflection on the Important Things