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Carrion Poems - Poems about Carrion

Carrion Poems - Examples of all types of poems about carrion to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for carrion.
Premium Member Carrion Carry On
vultures swirl… jackals howl… carrion flesh foul... buzzards on the prowl ...Read the rest...
Categories: carrion, anger, animal, bird, cry,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member The Dying of the Poet’s Dream
I have this fear that beyond my years Every word I’ve said or written will be gone, Like dust in the wind or seas where rivers end These thoughts of mine will vanish with the dawn....Read the rest...
Categories: carrion, introspection, poems, poets, write,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Carrion- BEING SPIRIT INNER CORE-
Carrion- BEING SPIRIT INNER CORE- O’ rotten carrion; Being spirited inner core; Whispers to the dead priest, Whose spirit harvested in side dried bones; All so souls depressed, so all alone; Being spirited inner core; O’ rotten carrion; 9/09/1973 8/22/2024 Written words by James Edward...Read the rest...
Categories: carrion, adventure, analogy, bereavement, fate,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Carrion Tree
–For Burns Hanging from its branches, The tree bears them like glorious fruits— Laden with corpses rotting: old and new. Their eyes glazed over, forever spewing agony— All in various stages of decay; Dripping blood from their slick...Read the rest...
Categories: carrion, animal, death, peace, tree,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member the crows know me
(inspired by "Gifts of the Most High" by G Alan Johnson.) The crows know me, and I, in their untamed glares, and wild, accepting, onyx eyes find a solace. No need for ID, for they’ve been watching me, my...Read the rest...
Categories: carrion, beauty, dark, death, fantasy,
Form: Free verse

Torture Is No Nice Picture
It was my public leeture About man's links with Torture How it seems tied to Nature And an idea to nurture... "Yet, it can't be a culture, Torture like Beak of Vulture, Which Carrions face like Torture, The Final Grant: A Suture... In...Read the rest...
Categories: carrion, cry, death, evil, violence,
Form: Rhyme
The lumps of flesh and bones lie nestled in the rotting leaves littering the forest floor. How long it has lain there seasoned by the rain as worms work through the tattered tissue. She approaches the rotted flesh directly, at...Read the rest...
Categories: carrion, animal,
Form: Free verse
Studying the studying staring back - heavy shiney black on the coffin road - I stood in the gods an imposing carrion crow perched Johnny Cash of fauna Studying the studying piercing dark inquisitive eyes scanning for a body - to beak...Read the rest...
Categories: carrion, bird, dark, nature,
Form: Narrative
A Vision Turned Into Carrion
Mornings of great days bathe in sublime sunrise Inspiring confidence and glowing with swathes of hope That good tidings of a magnanimous size Were afoot on the slope Where sadness struts its stuff Brandishing pessimism and nihilism If the going went...Read the rest...
Categories: carrion, poems,
Form: Free verse
Vocal Letter Carrion
When my chest splits out come the crows Where they land nobody will know I ripped my heart out the scars will show Where they pitch is all in fate Life for me is far too late Observe the crows...Read the rest...
Categories: carrion, absence, analogy, dark, depression,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member Carrion Watchers
Through the mists they land Carried by darkened wings, spread Sensing, they await Suspended death in decay Inhumanities now shared ....Read the rest...
Categories: carrion, bird, body, death, flying,
Form: Tanka
Burnt Verse: Carrion Kings
Carrion kings crow callous things in settled twilight cracks; Their cankered queens quote noxious reams down croaking fabric tracks. A patterned noose attentive sits atop a patient peak, Whilst zephyrs drone from Zaire to home to wheeze unto...Read the rest...
Categories: carrion, identity, metaphor, paradise, religion,
Form: Verse
Carrion Carry the Message
Carrion carry the message In flights of dry yellow sun And wind sprays The Ocean of T.V. screens Faces the digital throng Of robots commuting Satellites drift in orbit Each dead white star ringing black -ness. ...Read the rest...
Categories: carrion, spiritual, visionary,
Form: Free verse
Judas' Carrion
Judas’ Carrion Gossiping in such a furtive manner Determined to raise success’ banner Murmuring eloquently in the dark Calumny where there’s no spark, In the coven of conspiracy gather Passing the Cup of Hate to another Greedily imbibing to quench thirst Competing to...Read the rest...
Categories: carrion,
Form: Couplet
Telltale Signs Beyond the Carrion Eye
wicked heart beats will tale on you for sure so do not enter through their Cracked door their light shining out to some degree angels of night with true light...Read the rest...
Categories: carrion, allegory, faith, religion, death,
Form: Couplet

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry