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Butte Poems - Poems about Butte

Premium Member Devils Tower
...Devils Tower Millennium ago, the elements exposed A magma-formed monolith protrusion; Nine hundred feet high without obstruction, On the rolling plains of Wyoming. Hexagonal columns o......Read the rest...
Categories: butte, history, places, usa,
Form: Verse
...In tight and busy parking lots You can easily get perturbed Should I back out; take the long way, Or should I just jump the curb? Jeeportunity! The well-worn road around the butte Will take......Read the rest...
Categories: butte, fun, humorous,
Form: Rhyme

Ghost and Tex - Part 2
...But the sun beating down was taking its toll Red started to fade though he'd given his soul they reached the exchange both were ragged and sore Tex jumped on Blackie and was ready for more Blac......Read the rest...
Categories: butte, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Ballad of Ghost and Tex - Part I
...There’s many a tale that spreads across the night when the sun o’er the plains yields to campfire light. Tales about cowboys, who once roamed the plains, scratching a living using their rope and......Read the rest...
Categories: butte, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Fliers - Flight With Words and Letters
...I love vocabulary games, and these odd words came up in English words games, recently: Bute ( I know "Butte" but not BUTE) & "abseil," "landau," and even "Bourne" (identity?). A poem about a simpler word, FLIERS. When we say FLY, Buzzing by and by Which is it? Plane or insect? But when we......Read the rest...
Categories: butte, 12th grade, africa, america,
Form: Didactic

Premium Member Basset Hound Mayor
...The most corrupt official around was replaced by a young basset hound Now mayor of Butte he's tough and he's cute barking decisions both honest and sound......Read the rest...
Categories: butte, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Basset Hound Mayor
...The most corrupt official around was replaced by a young basset hound Now mayor of Butte he's tough and he's ......Read the rest...
Categories: butte, dog, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member I'M Coming Home
...My Poetry Soup Friends, what a journey I have been on since we last spoke. I graduated from Butte College with an AA in Social and Behavioral Science, Yuba College with an AS in Addiction Counseling,......Read the rest...
Categories: butte, friendship, mental health,
Form: Free verse
A Day In America West
...Buckaroos wave in the wagons into a corral, circle of Conestoga wagons mixed with covered wagons 100 count, Next to the butte, a springer delivers calf alive; compadres cheer wahoo! Exuberance loo......Read the rest...
Categories: butte, america, day, horse, morning,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Childs Interpretation of Art
...a child’s volcano in truth — a butte with fog but let the boy dream 1/17/2019......Read the rest...
Categories: butte, art,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member The Black Hills Wept For Thee
...The Black Hills wept for Thee East of the Black Hills of South Dakota, On the Pine Ridge Reservation, Live a proud tribe of Oglala Lakota, Part of the Great Sioux Nation. On saddled charge......Read the rest...
Categories: butte, betrayal, blessing, children, december,
Form: Ballad
We Are the Ghost Dance Poets
...We Are The Ghost Dance Poets by David Lee Herring (The Powwow Poet) We come together from near and far Like wise men following the star from the sweet Grass Hills, We come to be filled ......Read the rest...
Categories: butte, dance, god, native american,
Form: Lyric
The Butte
...Comfortable in her position on the butte Shaded under her large brimmed straw hat Her thoughts drifted lazily Wondering at the sultry day Surveying lizards basking in the blistering sunl......Read the rest...
Categories: butte, beautiful, summer, weather,
Form: Free verse
Chimera Changeling
... His policy views shift randomly with the ever changing political winds Whatever he ousted yesterday — tomorrow, presto change-o ... tweetle de dum, it’s blowing back in Mirror, ......Read the rest...
Categories: butte, allusion, change, political, truth,
Form: Ode
I'M On My Way To Butte Montana
...I'm on my way to Butte Montana, where the mountains reach the sky, and the eagles soar way up high, folks are friendly and give you a smile, it's the Montana way of saying stay awhile. I'......Read the rest...
Categories: butte,
Form: Cowboy Poetry

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