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Buckminster Fuller Poems - Poems about Buckminster Fuller

Buckminster Fuller Poems - Examples of all types of poems about buckminster fuller to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for buckminster fuller.
Premium Member Personalnature-Culturalnurture
...MindBody notices feelings EgoMe-EcoWe deign ordain to listen sacredly inside And consider speaking up kindly and calmly outside about how I feel +Healthy=InterDependently Wealthy original e......Read the rest...
Categories: buckminster fuller, culture, environment, health, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member My Avatar Son
...I have a son, in whom I am well pleased, with more than his share of heart and mindbody intelligence, to comprehend vastness of Earth's evolving history and future demise, to comprehend full em......Read the rest...
Categories: buckminster fuller, father son, happiness, health,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member The One Otherzone
...Permaculture Design, like any health restoring process, begins with listening to each ZeroZone client speak about deeply held goals and underlying values they would like to share with their OneZo......Read the rest...
Categories: buckminster fuller, earth, environment, health, peace,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Whispers of Greatness
...Great people have one desirable quality~~ humility. You won't find them looking to be 'top dog'. They are already accomplished, and fully know just that. They do not run panting feverishly ......Read the rest...
Categories: buckminster fuller, humanity, inspiration, integrity,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Operating Instructions
...The most important fact about Spaceship Earth, An instruction manual didn't come with it. Buckminster Fuller A more significant historical fact about giving and receiving healthy life on Ea......Read the rest...
Categories: buckminster fuller, health, integrity, love, peace,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member The Ceo Who Would Be Pope
...Once within our time we birthed a CEO who would be Pope, but might settle for Grand Wizard. He was selected by a near majority vote of a highly confused Board anxious for economic and politic......Read the rest...
Categories: buckminster fuller, anti bullying, earth, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Muse For Integrity
...Cosmic Integrity as defined and refined by Buckminster Fuller is ultimate divine synergy, co-operativity, regenerativity, organic wiki-PositivEnergy. God is love is grace with gratitude is ......Read the rest...
Categories: buckminster fuller, health, history, humanity, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Better Climate Questions
...It has been said There is no bad question asked with cooperative integrity. While those asked with competing disintegrity, mendaciously, are not really questions at all. That said, concede......Read the rest...
Categories: buckminster fuller, earth, games, gender, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Why Multicultural Education Matters
...The Twelfth Principle Cooperatively adopt and responsively adapt for creolizing acclimation, best climate and landscape health practices. The U.S. today reweaves two points of national nurt......Read the rest...
Categories: buckminster fuller, caregiving, forgiveness, health, history,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Cloud of Knowing
...I believe it was Buckminster Fuller who first posited a prime appositional, like Yang and Yin, but his was: Energy is to physical nature as Information is to metaphysically languaged systems. ......Read the rest...
Categories: buckminster fuller, health, humor, language, leadership,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Bucky and Julian
...Buckminster Fuller and Julian Jaynes recently reviewed their cultural and scientific influence on health and well-being, ecological and economic positive outcomes, during the current CoOperat......Read the rest...
Categories: buckminster fuller, health, humor, math, philosophy,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Watching Isms
...There is a world of difference between schism and jism, but they both end up the same. Just as patriarchal Roman Catholicism overpowers living and breathing Christianity, so too does Capitalis......Read the rest...
Categories: buckminster fuller, culture, earth day, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Who's Crazy Now
...I have an outside RightBrain dominant thalamus to watch and listen to, to feel confluent and resonant with, to love, as parent with child, yet this is more of a mutual-mentoring of notsad-notsa......Read the rest...
Categories: buckminster fuller, body, dream, health, humor,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Noneastern Family Politics
...I began reading Jane Anna Gordon's "Creolizing Political Theory" from the back toward the front, as usual, because if I appreciate where this narrative journey will end, then I probably will find......Read the rest...
Categories: buckminster fuller, culture, health, power, ,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Healthy Learning Climates
...It appears that Feyerabend presents a more accurate normative gestalt for RightBrain epistemology, how RightBrain solves chaotic puzzles, while Popper is better for LeftBrain deduction, diastolic......Read the rest...
Categories: buckminster fuller, earth, health, psychological, science,
Form: Prose Poetry

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