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Watching Isms

There is a world of difference between schism and jism, but they both end up the same. Just as patriarchal Roman Catholicism overpowers living and breathing Christianity, so too does Capitalism overpower cooperative capital co-investment, so too does autocratic rationalism overpower syncretic enculturing con-scientivity, so too does stale exegetical Traditionalism corrupt fresh noticing hope for co-redemptive learning-teaching cooperativity. We might imagine our Original Democratic Constitutional Intent in developing swampy soils now reincarnated as Washington, D.C. was to reconstruct what Martin Luther King, Jr. saw as a staircase rooted in Eden before The Great Dualistic Competitive Fall emerging upward and outward toward a contemporary multiculturally bountiful Beloved Community. Washington seems to have fallen short, perhaps toxically beheaded by civil wars about civil rights, collective anger management where Beloved Eden Community hope notices prospects for faith within regenerative love optimization, civil resonance maturing responsive rights toward still emerging cooperative economic and political co-owned authorities of Earth and Her bountifully democratic multiculturing nation-states. David Holmgren encourages us, Republicans and Democrats, Libertarians and Climate-Healthy Greens, to notice freedom's Beloved Community potential increasingly constrained by "adverse effects of over-consumption and over-development". And combining thoughts of Julian Jaynes and Edward De Bono and Buckminster Fuller, and countless others, we add further generic cautions concerning over-LeftBrain Either/Or competitive disculturation through monopolistically deductive-reductive Win/Lose evolutionary/devolutionary dualistic dominance. Washington's ecopolitical swampland sinks through too-competitively investing in war mongering rather than peace management, in pathology remediation rather than proactive health care, in pollution control rather than regenerative democratic co-ownership of toxic waste and nutritional health streams, in crime control rather than cooperative co-redemptive co-investment, in anti-ecological anthrocentric enculturation rather than regenerative mutual mentoring education as if multiculturing loves and deaths matter, in litigation rather than mindful integration of ego-norms with cooperative economics, in suboptimizing disservices and dissonance rather than optimizing health and nutrition consilient services. Taoism, like Islamic Judeo-Christianity, and unlike supremacist Chosen Patriarch Catholicism, and like PermaCulture Design, is bicamerally nondual rooted in LeftBrain faith, as co-empathic ecopolitical trust, and in ElderMatriarchal RightBrain hope, which PermaCulture Designers evolve toward Beloved Community PolyCulturing Promise with simple, contenting, positive bilateral noticing, nurturing trust in healthy belief as contrasted against a more Washingtonian negative nihilism. For the Taoist ecopolitical designer, as for the Abraham through Mohammed social cooperativist, faith is co-empathic ecopolitical trust. What Buddhists notice as Basic Original Intent. Yet, because of mindbody nondualism, disembodied faith, not Beloved Community incarnate, is a dream, maya. Faith intrinsically requires positive cooperative action, co-investment, co-redemptive eco-messianic co-mentoring. To have faith in our capacity to grow Beloved Communities is to trust in co-redemption, co-messianic, if you Western prefer, as one's nondual egoLeft/ecoRight regenerative becoming. To grow Beloved Community faith is to foster cooperatively emergent trust. To ecopolitically entrust representatives is fertile-rooted in finding those with cooperative co-mentoring, co-piloting responsibility/authority ownership optimization skills and focus of self-with-other bicameral balance, ego-as-also-eco love optimization, not monoculturing anger control, tolerating mutually competitive immunities, not cultivating further active distrust rooted in reductive dualistic absence of co-redemptive trust. "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase [toward Beloved Community]." says Martin Luther King, Jr. To which bilateral Yang-Yin nondual Taoists of cooperative Left deductive belief emerging from Right inductive trust respond with a contenting "Amen", AND cooperative ecopolitical faith noticing regenerative hope of Earth's nature-spirit blossoms along each and all faith co-redeeming steps producing and consuming balance, healthy active cooperativist democracies of co-empathic trust, Beloved Communities of joy and peace, love as and of and for contentment within sufficiency necessarily conjoining this shared MotherEarth's regenerate Beloved Communities, even in benighted Districts of Overly-Competitive Columbia. There is a world of differences but these all pedagogically end up the eco-logosism same.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 3/31/2017 4:31:00 PM
The multi-layered world of 'ism'; a masterful epic write Gerald.
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Dillenbeck Avatar
Gerald Dillenbeck
Date: 3/31/2017 7:07:00 PM
Thx for your absence of cynicism, Phil.

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