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Bryce Poems - Poems about Bryce

Bryce Poems - Examples of all types of poems about bryce to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for bryce.

Bryce's Path
I believed in you. I walked by your side. So, sadness and sorrow stabbed and stung the day that the old dream died. That path we took was beautiful; You know, that road we both knew: That lovely lane lined with...Read the rest...
Categories: bryce, dream, endurance, high school,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Bryce Canyon
Bryce Canyon, what a mind blowing vista Saw it on TV, couldn't believe it's charisma Spires reaching skyward A dazzling smorgasbord Of nature's ability to amaze and create awe...Read the rest...
Categories: bryce, uplifting,
Form: Limerick

Charlie Bryce
Greasy little Charlie Bryce, Was absolutely riddled with lice, The lice would skip and jump and play, On Charlie's greasy hair all day, But then one day a louse hopped free, And landed on a girl called Bree, Who screamed aloud...Read the rest...
Categories: bryce, children, children, fun, funny,
Form: Couplet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Though photographs, of course, entice And guide books give their ratings, Too many people pay the price With yes and no debatings. So let me offer my advice - If you need a vacation, Though Vegas has the slots and dice, A...Read the rest...
Categories: bryce, travel,
Form: Rhyme
James Bryce
I've missed your voice from the beach We talk every single day Its sad to know that your 3 hours ahead of me I want to see you face to face like we used to Youre the one I...Read the rest...
Categories: bryce, boyfriend
Form: I do not know?

A Prayer For Bryce
God, Just Think of him, Your power is greater than we can comprehend. Just Think of him, Your thought of healing works before we can act. Just Think of him, Your words comfort what we don’t understand. Just Think of him, Your...Read the rest...
Categories: bryce, faith, hope, life, religion,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things