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Bottled Poems - Poems about Bottled

Bottled Poems - Examples of all types of poems about bottled to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for bottled.
Bottled Emotions
Blank Face Has Feelings Emotions are bottled up tight. ...Read the rest...
Categories: bottled, emotions, how i feel,
Form: Haiku
Bottled Vinegar
In these days of austerity It’s getting to be a treat To go out for a few pints And have a bite to eat, So, Please Mr Pub Landlord Grant me just a little wish Bring back the vinegar bottle So I...Read the rest...
Categories: bottled, anger, food, humor,
Form: Rhyme

Bottled feelings are poisonous to the soul
The best bit of advice I can give for free, To those who from anger and or frustration cannot break free, That may set them free. If you never let others know how you really feel, You will only...Read the rest...
Categories: bottled, age, baptism, beauty, blessing,
Form: Carpe Diem

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Bottled Up Pain
I try to make all of the pain poetic Try to ignore how I was abused by a prick So many ways So many days More times than I can mention I want to put down my chin Fall off like...Read the rest...
Categories: bottled, anger, break up, emotions,
Form: Rhyme
Drivel in a puddle Cried my tears The bowl is dry The water is a wonder we all need there is no why The water is life The life is for the all We can not keep our pigeon read We...Read the rest...
Categories: bottled, birth, care, confusion, creation,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member A Bottled Garden
A bell-jar, crystalline, as transparent as an aquarium Vibrant colors burnt umbers tints glass atop the kitchen table. No elaborate gardening, just gentle misting in the terrarium Muted pinks, earthy tones, texture soft as Siberian sable My supercilious ways...Read the rest...
Categories: bottled, beauty, imagery,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Vino Bottled
multi nuanced flavour many coloured & aromas to savour always in the taste &...Read the rest...
Categories: bottled, wine,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Bottled Up
it comes and goes lately it seems to linger leaving a few more scars in its wake the mastering of self the balance of craving the emptiness shattered beneath us why must we relive old...Read the rest...
Categories: bottled, how i feel, imagination,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Uncorking Bottled Man
. Palpable fear lurks a mystery in the Air a certain eerie feel suspects an killers can come anywhere The strike is invisible no tools or weapon no no trace no fngerprints It’s in thin air creeps .. shudder... horror Now everyone wears masks All are Suspects All are Culpable Three new cases...Read the rest...
Categories: bottled, analogy, angst, anxiety,
Form: Concrete
Gall stones large as hens’ eggs, pale kidneys buoyant as seabirds. Shriveled livers, yet some so bloated they have features as if the organ had drowned imprinted by a sleeping face. A fetus floating in a deeper space than can be calculated...Read the rest...
Categories: bottled, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Message In a Bottled
Dipping and swirling with my cork ready to pop, with these words written and your name at the top. I throw it upon the waters hoping to reach you, Alone in this sea of love wondering if you...Read the rest...
Categories: bottled, lost love,
Form: Personification
Laborer's Ode Ii - Bottled-Up Future
In his mid-30s but still a boy Given $14.50 an hour and 12 hour shifts Six days a week His driver’s license confiscated For five slung beers over a night long ago Cost him $10,000 Contributed to the system Of judges bailiffs...Read the rest...
Categories: bottled, character, judgement, money, political,
Form: Free verse
Bottled Rage
Inner rage at boiling point, Fighting emotions, losing sight Wanting to let go, dreading I might, Bottling it up before it’s flight Roaring and twisting, my tormented soul Mind fighting reason, giving a goal. Suffer in silence, or fight and lose...Read the rest...
Categories: bottled, anger, angst,
Form: I do not know?
Bottled With Winter Winds
I,you and the closest Bottled with winter winds Clones of one another Covered with passionate love People see us in numerical holes Driven with early thoughts We grow our own cells, We grow our own prejudice Immoral stars aren't always...Read the rest...
Categories: bottled, absence, adventure, anger, art,
Form: Free verse
Battle With Bottled Tears
It is tears I battle with every day, They seem to flow unchecked, I wish there was a way to make them stay, To make me feel less wrecked, I water my bed with tears of despair, Mine eye's consumed...Read the rest...
Categories: bottled, bible,
Form: Rhyme

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