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Bottled feelings are poisonous to the soul

The best bit of advice I can give for free, To those who from anger and or frustration cannot break free, That may set them free. If you never let others know how you really feel, You will only ever feel like a heel, And there will be few chances for you to heal. A case in point, To prove my point, My pretty young neighbor has been having a tough time of it, Not coping well, and I have been asked to help with it, And with her two young boys I am also it, In the absence of a Father who has opted out of it, I am the only it. In the process of my being it, Our personal lives came into it. And as a result of it, We started to talk about it. And this is a conversation that resulted from it. Pretty young neighbor: "I can't give you sex but I can give you a hug" The pretty young neighbor gives him a hug. The one who is it: "I was not asking for sex but I can't pretend I had not thought about it" Pretty Young neighbor, "But I am the same age as your daughters" as we parted. A text a little while later from the one who is it. To the the pretty young neighbor. Did not want to make you feel awkward but true friendship deserves total Honesty. I am still it, For as long as she still needs an it, And we have an unlikely friendship, That is a good fit, That will hopefully last long after she needs me as an it. Things could have ended differently for both, If emotions had been kept hidden, Stifling talk about it, With no way to fix it.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 3/19/2024 1:40:00 AM
Wow this is really engaging and interesting. Oh what a golden soul you have for being “ it” and you shall surely be rewarded by God! Really enjoyed reading David!
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David Smith
Date: 3/19/2024 2:23:00 AM
Thanks so much Karen. I think we all have what if thoughts about all sorts of others more than we care to admit. it is how we deal with them defines us. Feelings are like water, they always bubble up to the surface. There is a charity here in NZ called Women of Worth that I have given my neighbor a pamphlet on. And hopefully she will get touch with them. Thanks again for your comments. You might like the other related poem A Woman and a Half i posted before this one. Bless you Karen. David in NZ

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry