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Boned Poems - Poems about Boned

Boned Poems - Examples of all types of poems about boned to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for boned.
Premium Member Harsh Winter Shows No Mercy
...All empty streets are paved with sleet, it's not cold enough for a snowfall; the cheek-boned guy is seeking a place to sleep, he has found shelter in a warm corner down the hall! We expect some......Read the rest...
Categories: boned, anger, anxiety, business, language,
Form: Rhyme
Goeduck Sauce Rigaberto Uran
... 1 x 300g piece mahi mahi fillet, skin off, pin-boned 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 1 brown onion, diced Salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 25g butter 1 clove garlic, c......Read the rest...
Categories: boned, fish, food,
Form: Bio

Premium Member The Mask of Black Spinel
... Frice the week along with night had fallen to sleepless slumber, Trapped again 'tween times when thirds are three in number. I sense a grimace gurgle in these halls of boned wall, The aching w......Read the rest...
Categories: boned, angst, dream, evil, horror,
Form: Couplet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Still on the Line
...A string of starlings strung out on a wire, over a road bridge above a freeway. It's cold, it is sleeting, its November. The line hums, I can't hear the hum, but the birds can, they fluff u......Read the rest...
Categories: boned, poetry,
Form: Free verse
16 Lines on School Bus stop sign
...In The Town Of Alabaster Alabama Limited in population like 103 I was issued an unreasonable fine driving on 31 south rush hour see a random abnormality, a bus with a flashing sign 4 lane......Read the rest...
Categories: boned, america,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member A Real Boy
...I walked beneath the ribcage of a giant whale; Encapsulated in the briney entrails of an empty long-dead being. Its grimace echoed in these halls of boned wall, Of which calcite chambers temper;......Read the rest...
Categories: boned, age, courage, innocence, ocean,
Form: Free verse
Provision me
...Just my tune the orchestra palls in insignificance I stood by your dreams forgetting the past the pitter patter of rain recalls Meanwhile we looked the same from a place with no name Silver b......Read the rest...
Categories: boned, angst,
Form: Free verse
Poetry Soup Open Mic Kismet
...Dusk marks stygian depths of this eldritch eve quay grim specter beneath the moon's silvery sheath surf cleaves with a hiss as the banshees keen weave lure to the thicket where shadows deceive yet be......Read the rest...
Categories: boned, bird, dark, death, gothic,
Form: Free verse
Poems about Science 4: Birth and Evolution
...POEMS ABOUT SCIENCE 4: BIRTH/EVOLUTION Simultaneous Flight by Michael R. Burch *The number of possible connections [brain] cells can make exceeds the number of particles in the universe. — Ger......Read the rest...
Categories: boned, bird, flying, light, science,
Form: Rhyme
Wonderment at existence
...Wonderment at existence ™ With my scrunched and bushy furrowed brow I often ponder the precise circumstances that any thing to be born tracing back lineage of self or arbitrary individua......Read the rest...
Categories: boned, adventure, animal, atheist, celebration,
Form: Rhyme
Stay In Bed
... Two guys at the corner of Fifth and Grant, were looking pretty far down on their luck. Because their beat-up old station wagon, just got T-boned by a Ford pickup truck. The light was green fo......Read the rest...
Categories: boned, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Her Life as a Poem
...Her big-boned spirit was a fine-spun sprouting of prairie brome, threaded through with engine oil. Her home was a rickety refuge for wayward cats. Upon her tangled porch poems grew in small......Read the rest...
Categories: boned, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Wonderment at existence mine
...Wonderment at existence – mine a sixty four year old married bloke born January 13th, mcmlix under Capricorn sign in general, and January 13th in particular who dons online personage with cus......Read the rest...
Categories: boned, adventure, age, animal, celebration,
Form: Rhyme
The Corpse of a Hissing Cat
...Sooty black and thin boned, velvet almost, but stringy. Hard to define the shape of a hissing cat that was so soon alive and kicking, but now lies dead on my neighbor's lawn. I would watch i......Read the rest...
Categories: boned, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Obeying the Whistle
...A thin-lipped nun blows her whistle. An acre of concrete ground stops playing, acting-out our brief make-believe lives. Reality is a cold wind chewing at pale knees, gray shorts and blue skir......Read the rest...
Categories: boned, poetry,
Form: Free verse

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