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16 Lines on School Bus stop sign

In The Town Of Alabaster Alabama Limited in population like 103 I was issued an unreasonable fine driving on 31 south rush hour see a random abnormality, a bus with a flashing sign 4 lanes over i hit the brakes to stop missed it by 6 feet but stayed stopped anyway just when an opening came to take off blue lights pulled off behind me to make a sitting traffic stop failure to yield you got caught, sir I stopped thats why im sitting here so I took the ticket and carried it home me and dad both could not understand how this could be anything but a money-making ploy no kid got off the bus at big lots, and it was 13 miles to the nearest home. so we decided that doing the right thing had only got me boned. So even if you live by the ideal of never being ill prepared even if you keep good pads and drilled and slotted rotors for enhanced grab. even if you try to do the right thing do not test the limits of the school bus swinging stop with yellow lighting

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