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Bodyguard Poems - Poems about Bodyguard

Bodyguard Poems - Examples of all types of poems about bodyguard to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for bodyguard.

Bodyguard Has Corrugated Face
Needs dry cleaner With electric iron To make it pretty...Read the rest...
Categories: bodyguard, military, satire,
Form: Triolet
A Sleepy Bodyguard
A sleepy bodyguard searched, chose and set Best seat for the honorable guest Carefully observing, he saw dirt Decidedly he removed the chair Express like a jet, the guest landed on floor Funny again; he looked in the bag...Read the rest...
Categories: bodyguard, allegory, irony, political,
Form: ABC

The Bodyguard
A bodyguard at twenty three? would have done a world of good for me my self esteem unbounded those playground bullies more than a little confounded....Read the rest...
Categories: bodyguard, baseball,
Form: Clerihew

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Bodyguard Who Outsmarted the Queen-Once Upon a Time
Locked in the largest room of the palace, you live days in dire existence, sunshine caresses you with sun rays, breeze makes you breathe life; anything at the swish of a wand is given to you, lonely princess of...Read the rest...
Categories: bodyguard, blue, boyfriend, conflict, humorous,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Your Bodyguard
time is ticking, days are passing, years are adding, lines are showing, body’s slowing, often feel like napping, no regrets, no what if’s, not time now to wallow, on my failures, some were deep, some were hard to...Read the rest...
Categories: bodyguard, love,
Form: Verse

BODYGUARD swept off her feet he positioned her on pillows of fields whispering “I’ll seduce you then you seduce me” her lips parted she tasted sweet like satin sheets sliding off his shirt she her blouse he was helplessly aroused delicate hands unzipped jeans she caressed his hips bending down kissing hot...Read the rest...
Categories: bodyguard, fantasy, lust, passion, sensual,
Form: Rhyme
My Beloved Bodyguard
As the day of morn breaking through Sunrising from the east Coffee brewing just about done time to go out on the deck converse as always with my bodyguard Twas as same as always we done each early morn.. But this time...Read the rest...
Categories: bodyguard, death of a friend,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things