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Boar Poems - Poems about Boar

Boar Man Boar Man was the best at his job of eating food waste. He didn’t mind the truly horrible taste. Regrettably he’d lost all his friends because every time he opened his mouth flies and creepy-crawlies went into their mouth. ...Read the rest...
Categories: boar, humor,
Form: Rhyme
A Huge Boar
Well, how to say, the story begins well, I go on a path (wide enough for a tractor), 20 meters long, which leads to a field (I had never had the curiosity to go there,...Read the rest...
Categories: boar, 9th grade, animal, appreciation,
Form: Prose

Those Where the Good Ole Days
loves interlude The story of love it's why I ask myself we are best together seems i don't want no one else people see things differently it's different in every eye we say hello just to say goodbye why oh why tell me why oh...Read the rest...
Categories: boar, film, jobs, love, motivation,
Form: Ballade
Boar Boar Shed
Struggling to stay on top He looked to the. Future Evaluating his gains and slighted through Several possiblitys Which might makest All who labor in this Types of endeavors Chore less Reduce the risks Eliminate challenges And profit He designed a Fencing system That was sturdy enough...Read the rest...
Categories: boar, animal, business, culture, farm,
Form: ABC
The Boar of Dumm - a Jabberwocky Parody
'Twas later in the afternoon When the work of the day was done: Many sat waiting for the moon, Idly twiddling their thumbs. 'Beware the Boar of Dumm, my son! The eyes that dull, the yawns that tire, Beware the slowing...Read the rest...
Categories: boar, adventure, books, parody, son,
Form: I do not know?

Tracey and the Boar
An apology to Tracey Emin for "Not Feeling Tracey's Badger" Tracey and the Boar I woke this morn regretting it Saying Tracey’s Owl is s**t! With one mean and sarky jerk I cast aspersions on her work The opinion that I...Read the rest...
Categories: boar, animal, art, betrayal, england,
Form: Light Verse
What a Boar - Limerick Contest
There was a man with a shovel Whose house was a relative hovel Digs a hole in the floor Think his dad was a boar Cos he cant stop sniffing for truffle Penned 17 August 2013...Read the rest...
Categories: boar, funny,
Form: Limerick
Our Boar Head Bar Maiden
How lovely you are our Boar Head bar maiden We fancy your red -long curly hair For a grin we are treated when you bend at our table To wipe away- our spilt dark brewed beer Pour us another...Read the rest...
Categories: boar, drink, women,
Form: Lyric
Wild Boar
A wild boar came into town because he felt so alone he rampaged some doors and entered a home to find some food in the kitchen I came across the story in a newspaper and it really happened in...Read the rest...
Categories: boar, animalsfood,
Form: Rhyme
A Rabid Boar (Footle)
Bloody gore! Wild boar! For "Footle Fright" contest by Donna Golden...Read the rest...
Categories: boar, death
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry