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Blower Poems - Poems about Blower

Blower Poems - Examples of all types of poems about blower to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for blower.

Machines of Fall
Afternoon autumn Our neighborhood goes crazy Like living in a dentist’s office Drilling sucking blowing Whining wincing scraping Gurgle My head tilted back With a book on my chest Mouth wide open Staring into the glare of the final high sun....Read the rest...
Categories: blower, autumn, funny, november, race,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Name Should Be Lucille
My name should be Lucille. I am that squeaky wheel. If some things wrong I'll weigh it. I'm not afraid to say it. Some may not want to know her. She's been a whistle blower. I'm not a quiet bird. My voice...Read the rest...
Categories: blower, voice,
Form: Light Verse

Whistle Blower Who Had Been Slower
While on tree became a grower; Seemed to be slower and slower, And a big pain; Constant strain; In middle found a whistle blower. Do remember when on me dawned, Trump appeared to be far beyond, We believe; Pity receive; All our thoughts he...Read the rest...
Categories: blower, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Al Ask Uh -
An Inupiat "slow-grower" Believed he could sink no lower When an icicle rose On the tip of his nose He won "Number 1 Snow Blower" * * * * A cold polar bear did stutter And folk thought he was...Read the rest...
Categories: blower, anxiety, courage, endurance, growing
Form: Limerick
Premium Member The Blower
I am in my school building, listening the blower of the furnace, there is no other sound. Except the clicking of my typewriter keys ; for a second I am surprised I am the first person...Read the rest...
Categories: blower, environment, feelings, school,
Form: Prose

The Trumpet Blower
The Trumpet Blower The seat pushed higher never lower Always trying to trump Swaying the gloating rump July 27, 2018 CLERIHEW CONTEST Poetry Contest Sponsored by: The Name Forsakes Me...Read the rest...
Categories: blower, humor,
Form: Clerihew
Premium Member Leaf Blower
serendipity of poet blizzard of fa ll e n leaves 11/28/2017...Read the rest...
Categories: blower, autumn,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Whistle Blower
A profound page in simple poise: Wise up to truth when conscience pumps, Heed centre stage the trust you voice; In-sync with proof that foul now dumps, Sense in the hurl of just pitch here; Travel the road where healing...Read the rest...
Categories: blower, character,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Mind Blower - Journal Ziii
MIND BLOWER – JOURNAL XIII Dreams can be weird crazy. True. But a totally senseless dream can disorient you, Befuddle your first waking minutes. Like, this wildness has lasted so long into sleep As to literally infect the waking awareness. One must now examine, carefully, one’s daily ...Read the rest...
Categories: blower, introspection,
Form: Free verse
Be a Whistle Blower Bold
There is thick cloud of gloom all around With no gleam of hope anywhere found Things are not what they outwardly seem Loose not faith; be a whistle-blower bold. The situation surely seems insurmountable Scaring away a few good people;...Read the rest...
Categories: blower, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
The Glass Blower
Glaze the glass and blow liquid luster, lava flow Twirl the oven, hallucinate Clink the cooling 'till it breaks Make it cobalt, gold flecked muse Shallow breath to counter fuse Hollow bubble on sweating metal Sting of lungs by the great glass...Read the rest...
Categories: blower, art, imagination, on work
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things