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Bloop Poems - Poems about Bloop

Bloop Poems - Examples of all types of poems about bloop to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for bloop.
At the Crux
...4/8/24 Aww shucks Still at the crux In a state of flux With reality still out of touch I've been puzzled much So I smoke a couple blunts That's a double dutch From dawn to dusk I turned my......Read the rest...
Categories: bloop, dark, deep, life, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Touched by Technology
...She sighs, ”Touch my eyes again that I might see the light of new worlds flickering in the reaches of my mind. Are you some magical creature who has come to ravage my soul? When your glowing digit......Read the rest...
Categories: bloop, future, imagination,
Form: Free verse

Onomatopoeic Words
...bloop dribble drip drizzle splash spray sprinkle squirt ahem belch blurt chatter giggle growl groan grunt gulp gurgle eek moan mumble murmur squeal whimper bam bang clang c......Read the rest...
Categories: bloop, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Seventh Heaven 007
...7/5/21 "Seventh Heaven (007)" According to local legend Regarding the Great Depression And Armageddon Nearing seventh heaven Still on that 007 Sent him and her toward hell or heaven Clos......Read the rest...
Categories: bloop, dark, deep, life, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Ode To Ps
...Our poetic scrumptious soup Is pretty much like chicken coop; We lay great words by a large scoop And promptly drop by the front stoop. We keep each other in the loop Bonded by a co......Read the rest...
Categories: bloop, humorous,
Form: Monorhyme

Premium Member Smarty Pants Poem Number Two
...Thought it would be fun to write a cute little Smarty Pants poem. I was crazy with excitement about it, laughing with happiness gore. I was so happy about the idea, I figured it had been done befor......Read the rest...
Categories: bloop, 2nd grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Rhyme
Man of Character
...Ozzie Smith, Yazstremski, Dave Stieb and Robin Yount these men were of a special group It's one I'm proud to count There's players who achieve a goal While others just achieve They ......Read the rest...
Categories: bloop, america,
Form: Rhyme
Bloop Scope
...Five Frivolous Letters Last Poem 4977 Tried Shied Cares Dares Bloop Scope Smart Apart Fable Cable Craft Shaft Brake Shake Blues Grays Stray Brays Catch Batch Beeps Peeps Harms Alarm ......Read the rest...
Categories: bloop, allegory, analogy,
Form: I do not know?
...If I told you would you listen If i told you would you perceive me as a monster If I told you would you go and judge My unborn beautiful daughter I'm warmhearted With the potential to get e......Read the rest...
Categories: bloop, deep, depression, feelings, friendship,
Form: Free verse
Stymied By Soup
...I posted a poem on the Soup But my smiley face turned to a droop For instead of one post There were 30 (at most); Guess the site made a really big bloop. In trying my best to delete (For wh......Read the rest...
Categories: bloop, how i feel, poems,
Form: Limerick
The Street Veteran
...inspired by a kin of mine THE STREET VETERAN I have a lot of years in the game the street life is hot so i'm fierce in the flame lookin' for the ja......Read the rest...
Categories: bloop, dark, poetry, spoken word,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Bad Poem Day
...I've been writing now, fourscore years and ten I started with a crayon, switch to pencil and then pen And even though I'm older now, I still can make a bloop Using my new keyboard to poop right in......Read the rest...
Categories: bloop, humor, nonsense, silly,
Form: Light Verse
Attention Can Pay
...Attention Can Pay How ironic, intelligence is intellectual Being stupid politician becomes ineffectual Even thought from received a refusal Want my beacon and eggs cooked as usual. Make sure......Read the rest...
Categories: bloop, humorous,
Form: Couplet
Free Post Modern Poem
...I love you,oh,my little black dog. Oh,yes!Bloop bong. Thwack. I love this pit,I do really. Bang bong. No, do not help me I am Fay ted. My narrative went wrong. Oh.hoopla! Now he has delete......Read the rest...
Categories: bloop, boyfriend,
Form: Free verse
-i Started Writing, and Then Writers Block Hit
...The megapixels join together, humming, buzzing as they collide, Forming a haze in negative space. bloop, bloop, bloop, I come to life - brought feet first into this world. Shins cast in light metal......Read the rest...
Categories: bloop,
Form: Free verse

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