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Blah Poems - Poems about Blah

Blah Poems - Examples of all types of poems about blah to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for blah.
Premium Member Blah, Blah,Blah
Words, words and more words A chaotic battle of words Wanting to be heard Trying to out-word Having the last word Too many words And all that is heard ...Read the rest...
Categories: blah, confusion, peace, words,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member blah blah blah
yap yap yap blah blah blah sixty percent of her students are not listening research shows our attention span is fifteen minutes yip yip yip most of the class is texting or doodling some watch a video on muted phones blah blah...Read the rest...
Categories: blah, student,
Form: Free verse

Blah Blah Blah
mindless rhetoric forgotten pause button forfeit repartee...Read the rest...
Categories: blah, relationship, word play,
Form: Senryu

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Blah
Lost in the blah blah blah The darkness I saw Feeling low I know The mind plays tricks Trying to get in its licks So adds another layer of bricks Which way to go I do not know Sometimes I feel so old Cold The...Read the rest...
Categories: blah, celebration, mental health,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member News, Blah, Blah
News, Blah, Blah Miracle Man 4/19/2024 I begin each day, watching the morning news. I watch two channels, and get dissenting views. I ponder the question, why aren’t both the same? They each have a slant, is it a political game? Each stretches the truth, to fit...Read the rest...
Categories: blah, how i feel, trust,
Form: Quatrain

Premium Member Blah Blah Blah
Fa, la, la, the politicians stump. Blah, blah, blah, It's Donald Trump. Oh La la, we've hit a bump. Shangri-La or Mein Kampf?...Read the rest...
Categories: blah, america, perspective, political,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Blah Blah Blah Blue Blue Blue
You need to watch this Video of Godzilla so you will understand Godzilla Godzilla is a Giant iguana Dinosaur from deep in the Ocean Who feeds on Radioactivity And eats People And Matthew Broderick Godzilla speaks perfect...Read the rest...
Categories: blah, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member War Movies Blah
War movies are happening in my husband’s office. He seems to like them. I have no idea why. I turn on my true crime channel. Looking for a good murder. Thinking how crazy his tastes are....Read the rest...
Categories: blah, humorous,
Form: Light Verse
She did have a pearl of great price But it was swallowed by some mice She fed them some cheese Inside her deep freeze So what you just ate was not rice...Read the rest...
Categories: blah, food, humor,
Form: Limerick
Blah Blah Me You Little
Don't blah blah blah my generation you disrespectful little kid, Don't blame us for this situation, or the world you didn't live, You learn facts at school that my generation never did, the science wasn't...Read the rest...
Categories: blah, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme
Blah Blah Blah
I will wait until you've finished that's only polite Even though what you've spoken certainly isn't right In my opinion its a load of waffle and blah blah blah I would get more enjoyment sleeping by far I'm...Read the rest...
Categories: blah, depression, leadership,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Blah Friday
I need a vacation from vacation unbreaks. Bad Friday falls seven days after spring break begins, Which is a break for some kids and teachers without kids, but not for grandpa parent me, and my sociopathic daughter, who needs the structure of small specialized...Read the rest...
Categories: blah, depression, easter, humor, parents,
Form: Free verse
Four Letters Spelling Blah
Four Letters Spelling Blah... generally define mine anatomical phooey zook corporeal status, essentially feeling like gook, not my usual babbling brook self, thus finds yours truly whooshing, he could wave a magic wand (all thee while exjaculating abra cud dab bra, or...Read the rest...
Categories: blah, angel, endurance, father, how
Form: Bio
Four Letters Spelling Blah
Four Letters Spelling Blah... generally define mine anatomical phooey zook corporeal status, essentially feeling like gook, not my usual babbling brook self, thus finds yours truly whooshing, he could wave a magic wand (all thee while exjaculating abra cud dab bra, or...Read the rest...
Categories: blah, angel, endurance, father, how
Form: Bio
Genuine As Me
at days end i always think.... about what couldve been inside a blink.... but deep inside i know whats right .... and even though we hide insight ... i cant deny the voice in me .... that always says...Read the rest...
Categories: blah, 10th grade,
Form: ABC

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