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Biotic Poems - Poems about Biotic

Biotic Poems - Examples of all types of poems about biotic to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for biotic.
A Distant Voice
...Thy voice sounds like violin from distance Melody of the holy angels Thy beauty bouncing along the conductor The airwaves beautified by the rhythm A glut of neurons awakened by a giggle How thy ......Read the rest...
Categories: biotic, love, memory,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Fleeting Moments
...I write of those fleeting moments, unmindfully lived Gone before I was even aware of their passing; Knowing they were a mere uneventful glance, a slice of my life ......Read the rest...
Categories: biotic, life, philosophy, time,
Form: Free verse

Why Do We Drink Alcohol
...Alcohol is a drink, that makes us socialize to unwind and relax, with conservation and laughter but for a few, it makes them not very wise because their actions, can only lead to disaster All t......Read the rest...
Categories: biotic, crazy, drink, health, image,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Rain - Multiple Choice
...Which of these does man have control over? (Choose all that apply) _ Rainfall deficits trigger biotic crisis _ Acid rain decimates ecosystems _ ICBMs rain down dest......Read the rest...
Categories: biotic, earth, fire, future, rain,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Communion Reformations
...Defining Terms: Ego--not Eco Left--not Right If Ego = not Eco, as Left = not Right, Then not(Left) = not(not Right) If Left hemisphere is Either/Or dominant as Right hemisphere is ......Read the rest...
Categories: biotic, education, humor, integrity, math,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Wandering Sorceress
...Maybe because I have on my public health hat, my ego searches for more ecotherapeutic subclimates. Maybe because we wear our ego/ecotherapeutic climates inside, Real Whole EarthTime bilaterally ......Read the rest...
Categories: biotic, education, health, history, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Too Late Winter
...In long winters when curious bears hibernate, When even those few songbirds left behind are stoically silent at their least amorous time, When uneven bare trees and bushes retire into aptic......Read the rest...
Categories: biotic, depression, emotions, sad, seasons,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Non-Rocket Science
...When I was an undergraduate in Michigan I became fascinated with my bilaterally transubstantiating internal conversation about sufficient v necessary evidence for thought v feeling experience ......Read the rest...
Categories: biotic, culture, earth, education, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Einstein Speaks
...Old Albert was frustrated. He knew his famous ego-identity came from this solar eco-system with four interdependent dimensional voices. He felt his own original moment began with ZeroSum nutri......Read the rest...
Categories: biotic, age, death, depression, dream,
Form: Political Verse
Golden Dream
...Golden dream of my recreate heart, alike sui juris chow coram craving character . Lacquey unaccustomed grow dumb art, endure canoodling for chronic creature. Reimbursing my biotic lacunae part,......Read the rest...
Categories: biotic, beautiful,
Form: Alliteration
Nature's Phenomenon
...NATURE'S PHENOMENON  Beauty that is the life phenomenon with the scenic view But those who can feel it and mesmerise its bliss were very few A quiet place , with breathtaking waterfalls covered ......Read the rest...
Categories: biotic, allusion, art, beautiful, beauty,
Form: Sonnet
Nociceptive Nomad
...Withering wandering waves of a wasted will The Nomad stands in solace within the silent still Universal laws that lock and securely seal Metaphorical minds that soon rebelliously reveal Lachrym......Read the rest...
Categories: biotic, analogy, conflict, emotions, identity,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Looking Forward
... Once, there were buffalo herds, then the white man came. All business money-minds; their hide market thrived and then…no buffalo. Once, the porcelain beluga, numbered in the thousan......Read the rest...
Categories: biotic, analogy, earth, environment, sky,
Form: Free verse
Stop It Brain
...If you talk too much my head very well may explode; for fear you will not stop. I will think too much, my brain full of selfish thoughts. Moth on the wall; you never fall. You taunt the souls ......Read the rest...
Categories: biotic, emotions, eulogy, loneliness, suicide,
Form: I do not know?
Paragon Idiolect
...Floating in universal am biotic energy Anchored to the sun by magnetized rainbow light beams Intertwined torsions fluttering in universal symphonic frequencies Charting experience maps using emotiona......Read the rest...
Categories: biotic, spiritual, visionary, heart, heart,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry