Non-Rocket Science
When I was an undergraduate
in Michigan
I became fascinated with my bilaterally transubstantiating internal conversation
about sufficient v necessary evidence
for thought v feeling experience
That communication's principles of co-empathic persuasion
were also healthy-positive psychology's research
on how to best regenerate Left/Right cooperatively resilient attitude change,
both feelings and thoughts,
to grow gratitude attitudes about spaciated places
bodily experienced as sometimes confluent peace
but sometimes dissonant
feelings of cognitive-affectively toxic
Win/Lose stress pathologies
and yet still accessible
to deeply entrenched confluent WinWin memory pathways
back toward warm wet wombed
4-spacetime dimensional
ZeroZone breathing-nurturing-nutritional Matriarchal-Paradise,
Primal ego/eco-systemic health-care relationships,
political-psychological communication of winning-cause
with winning-effective power,
led me toward wanting more
addictively more healthy community cooperative green organic development
for ever-deeper polycultural experience,
for more internal dialectal planning
through multicultural health-discernment
of how we can cooperatively and actively hope
to achieve optimal WinWin economic-ecological resilient outcomes
through ego/eco-systemic bilateral mindfulness.
Which is not,
in Bucky Fuller's Synergy Earth-WholeSystem Universe,
to be confused with the more LeftBrain dominant Scientology;
Synergy might also be described as
geometric ZeroCore cooperative EarthSoul unitarian inside networking
in dialectal-experiential-primal nutritional ego-dialogue
with our Whole nonspecial-case Universe outside interdependent environment,
composed of integral energy democracy systemic god
against chaotic-entropic-dissonant-fragmented
overly-competitive degenerative
lack of resiliently healthy
cooperatively interdependent
leads me to wonder:
How do we best restore economic-ecological climate justice peacefully
from lofty LeftBrain academic-empirical-deductive-dominant theory
about InterReligious Dialogue
and InterNational PublicHealthy Climate WinWin Diplomacy
to everyday grade school through eco-schooled
outdoor and indoor classrooms
built by transectarian non-violent communicating
compassionate co-ego/eco-therapists
CoRedeeming transubstantiating
communion experiences
of co-empowering celebration
WinWin healing
cooperatively-owned and empowered
multicultural regenerative trends
in deep bilateral learning together
Win-health to Win-wealth
ZeroZone nature/spirit GoldenRules
nurturing Yang/Yin
health/wealth gaming systems
of integral Group Whole-Open-NonSpecialCase-DisEmbodied-Metric Theories
for evolutionary/revolutionary nutritional paradigms
emerging from resilient nondual assumptions,
and questions
ironically iconic of 4D
bilateral-bionic-biotic DNA string health-systems
composed of bilateral nature/spirit
image/memory robust energy-dialogical
cooperatively committed
to healthy co-acclimating green-wealth praxis
of trans-cultural
non-sectarian solidarity.
My question remains,
What is Earth's best WinWin compassionate health-praxis?
Why does this addictively seem,
for me,
to be
Our inherently intuitive
transubstantiating thought,
our secular belief
and sacred feeling,
of Whole Universal System
multicultural transectarian nature/spirit dialogue,
dialectal soil/soul creolization,
multiculturally polypathic compulsion
toward climate restoring justice,
favoring robust biotic vulcanization,
investing in restorative WinWin regeneration
of ego/eco-psychological/political empowering creolization,
Eco-political discernment
for ecological health
and not theological pathology,
discerning polypathic
diplomatic health/wealth co-discovery into love,
eco-invitation unto grace,
where Truth and Beauty
conjoin again,
twin bicameral Muses.
Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2019
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