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Biddy Poems - Poems about Biddy

Witty Biddy Kitty Horn Haiku
saw pretty kitty who was little and biddy being very witty ...Read the rest...
Categories: biddy, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Three Plump Old Biddy Birds
Three plump old biddy birds full of birdseed and whey Sat on a limb spreading gossip and rumors that day I heard she did this and he did that said Mrs. McVey. They all had a story, about...Read the rest...
Categories: biddy, bird, humorous,
Form: Prose Poetry

Premium Member Old Biddy Makes Fred Dead
You can never have too many flowers the old woman said. She pushed a bunch of them into the cage with the parakeet, Fred. Unfortunately, said many, the poor parakeet is dead. What is wrong with her? Her...Read the rest...
Categories: biddy, 6th grade, 7th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Biddy Early Biddy Early
This is a true story about an old Wise Woman who lived in the wilds of West Ireland in the late 1800's. She was a Seer, Healer. The stories about her are legendary. People used to come to...Read the rest...
Categories: biddy, fairy, giving, ireland, longing,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Joe Biddy
Joe Biddy-dee-doe He didn't know How careful he ought to be Joe Biddy-dee-day Went outside to play And wandered too near the sea. Along came a shark And just for a lark He ate Joe Biddy-dee-dee. -1969...Read the rest...
Categories: biddy, animal, child, death, funny,
Form: Rhyme

Great Big and Little Biddy (A Love Story)
There was a little boy In a great big house With a great big yard On a tree lined street. The little boy was happy He had food, clothes, toys, and treats Yeah, you could say his life was pretty sweet. But...Read the rest...
Categories: biddy, husband, love, wife,
Form: Ballad

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry