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Best Prophets Poems

Below are the all-time best Prophets poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of prophets poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Politicians, Preachers and Prophets
“And for what, except for you,
do I feel love”
Wallace Stevens 

Concealed in full view
there are sanctuaries where you
can go when the shrill noise
of politicians, preachers...

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Categories: prophets, imagination, love, poetry,
Form: Free verse
False Prophets

They have the word of God as their encyclopedia
They refer and come out to deceive the myopia
They are quick to inform like Wikipedia
Their actions...

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Categories: prophets, allah, allegory, anger, beauty,
Form: Lyric
Pamphlets of Prophets
Pamphlets of Prophets

And in the barren face of sanity
I scavenged 
For hope

Hope between the bleeding

Full forces littered the bodies
Pamphlets of prophets
In useless streets

Streets paved with...

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Categories: prophets, war
Form: Free verse

Elijah and the Prophets Or Baal
Serving God Or Baal???

The Bible speaks of Elijah who 
challenged the prophets of Baal.
To see who’s God was true.  
And who’s God would fail!


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Categories: prophets, confusion, dedication, depression, devotion,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Prophets and Messiahs
The difference between 
competitively evolving 
egg white privilege

And good-girl 
cooperatively revolutionary 

Foreshadows a symbiotic contrast
between prophetic performance
and messianic practice,
said Professor Glory
in her Gospel of...

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Categories: prophets, destiny, environment, nature, science,
Form: Political Verse
An Ode To Seven Prophets
When I was younger, stronger, faster, phatter!
I saw Bayard Rustin, ascending and descending on bell hooks’ reveries,
And I screamed, from artistic insights,
Of plights and rights,...

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Categories: prophets, brother
Form: Blank verse

Premium Member The Prophets Elijah and Elisha
Spoke direct to God
God told him anoint Elisha
Elijah passed Elisha plowing cast mantle on him
Twelve men plowing oxen; Elisha was last in line said...

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Categories: prophets, history, inspirational, religion
Form: Fibonacci
Premium Member Saints and Prophets
Bodhisattvas turn airflow into flames,
water into Earth
as Jesus turned baptismal waters
into blood red rivers
of warm nutritious wine.

like Messiah prophets and saints,
long for
belong to
the baptismal political...

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Categories: prophets, earth, earth day, health,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member False Prophets
Disciples: How will we know True from False Prophets?

Teacher: You will cooperatively discern them
by their polyculturing love.

When does fear that disasters are becoming too relentlessly...

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Categories: prophets, abuse, anger, fathers day,
Form: Political Verse
Rise Prophets Rise
Rise Prophets Rise

Check This, I know a Medicine Man who spent 10 years doing manual labor,
He is a Genius trapped in an insane world.
I know...

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Categories: prophets, faithfood, drug,
Form: Blank verse
Prophets Chamber
renovated grace
upper terrace enshrouding
satiated guest...

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Categories: prophets, space
Form: Senryu
Ode To Two Poets and the Poetry Soup Prophets Hip Hop Remix
Yo I know 2 poets, one young and one old,
Bold, and bright, bodacious,
But still gracious, perspicacious, never racist,
Moving to the beat of two generations,
Elations, facing...

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Categories: prophets, urban,
Form: Ballad
False Prophets
Pimp C (RIP) often said it

On a song that is often

In many hood homes played

Everybody sittin in the pulpit

Ain't saved most preachers

Just false prophets

Prophets freaking...

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Categories: prophets, life, philosophy
Form: Rhyme
Prophets Rebel! Now
No sin no win break,
crosses to amen stop!
Chanting Trinities!...

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Categories: prophets, religion
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Pervasive
what is the true pattern of consciousness in this immense universe?
how far into the overwhelming breach has awareness been dispersed?

in the depths of exhaustion, the...

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© Ng Rippel  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: prophets, change, creation, earth, humanity,
Form: Monoku

Book: Shattered Sighs