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Best Morning Poems

Below are the all-time best Morning poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of morning poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Squalling Seagulls Sip Morning Sunshine
Squalling seagulls sip the morning sunshine
Greeting new sun, spanning over vast sea
Wailing upon hills, watching freedom shine
Sprinkling over prairies echoes of glee

Greeting new sun, spanning...

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Categories: morning, bird, imagery, nature,
Form: Pantoum
Premium Member Morning Or Mourning
Such precious gemstones
Morning dew shines like diamonds
God’s tears from heaven

Written on 18th February 2 days before my father died

Posted 22nd February 2015...

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Categories: morning, beauty, loss,
Form: Haiku
Aphrodite of the Morning Sun
Your honey drips in baths of blue,
with seductive scapes set to woo,
Arousing aroma stimuli arise anew,
A vixen voluptuous Venus to subdue…

Mane of a lioness suave...

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Categories: morning, desire, love, lust,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Sunday Morning - Me Singing -
Sunday Morning

Piano intro:


Can you see the sun is shining down
On Sunday Morning, on Sunday morning
Can you feel the rain upon the ground
On Sunday Morning, on...

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Categories: morning, imagery, inspirational,
Form: Lyric
As Morning Light Unfurls
"Up at dawn, the dewy freshness of the hour, the morning rapture of the birds, the daily miracle of sunrise, set her heart in tune,...

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Categories: morning, nature,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Stone
The tale below was carved one night
upon the stone, by candlelight
...most won’t believe, but some just might
.........most won’t believe, but some just might


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Categories: morning, body, death, fantasy, kiss,
Form: Ballad

Premium Member Whose Muse Elusive Dew
The worldliness within the sphere     
reflecting morning light, 
as poignant as a single tear 
idea bright is crystal clear 
and frames...

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Categories: morning, destiny, life, lost love,
Form: Rhyme
Once Upon a Purple Sunrise
Once Upon a Purple Sunrise

Pretty as a Periwinkle,
in your frilly summer frock,
the one with purple polka dots
that matched the cool of early dawn.

Haloed in hazy...

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Categories: memory, morning, summer,
Form: Free verse
Summer Lace
The shadows fall like summer lace
       Through palm trees fluttered in the sun
The soft caress of dawning breeze

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Categories: beauty, day, love, morning,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Coffee Colored Memories
It's quiet whisper stirs my languid mind
Inviting coffee colored memories
A young man's face with future yet defined
Each vapored breath a page in history

Familiar apparitions reappear

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Categories: memory, morning,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member The Glory of the Eastern Edge
In moments of twilight civility
an exchange of gifts - 
darkness for light..


from beyond the softening silhouette edge
you brighten like a blushing damsel
hazy haloed
unabashed in the...

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Categories: appreciation, beauty, imagery, morning,
Form: Free verse
Whispering Colors

A soft yellow ember,
the sun is arising
Horizons remember
the smile on your face

Meadowlarks sing
as the morning approaches
The start of a new day
in hues to embrace

Rose petal...

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Categories: good morning,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Blackbird Haiku
beautiful blackbird
chirruping the sweetest songs
morning has broken

Poem inspired by this wonderful Beatles song sung in Scottish Gaelic by Julie Fowlis


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Categories: beauty, bird, morning, nature,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member In the Gloaming
That first glimpse of purple in the gloaming
As dawn softly rises in morning skies 
Ascending along with nature's colors
Is a look of faith and hope...

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Categories: color, inspirational, morning, purple,
Form: Rhyme
Sea Bride
Across the white sand waters
meld of teal and turquoise hue,
in sunlight, emerald facets, 
in shadow, grays of blue,
first breaking light of heaven,
tinted sky in tones...

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Categories: beach, beautiful, color, morning,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things