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Benedictine Poems - Poems about Benedictine

Premium Member Eagle
...white veil over head chocolate feathers full fledged --- benedictine nun? karambit knife beak dissected longan fruit eyes --- elliptic airplane? scavenger for prey dead and alive you e......Read the rest...
Categories: benedictine, bird, nature,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Life
...Life has no or little definition. Who didn't, of different realm, state it? Poets, philosophers, saints in their mission, Haven't failed to prove whole of human wit? Does one live fully and sho......Read the rest...
Categories: benedictine, life,
Form: Sonnet

Premium Member Hand-Picked Berries and Sun-Dried Tomatoes 1
...The following is a collection of selected critiques of the work of Zoltan Goliath and Otis Trench from a variety of media outlets. The views expressed therein are entirely unsolicited, uncompensate......Read the rest...
Categories: benedictine, mythology,
Form: Prose
Translation: Ech Day Me Cometh Tydinges Thre
...Ech day me cometh tydinges thre "Each Day Three Tidings Come to Me" (anonymous Middle English poem, circa the 13th century AD) loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch Each day I’m ......Read the rest...
Categories: benedictine, angst, anxiety, death, depression,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Merciful Heaven
...Sister Benedictine, her blinded eyes stretched upward, seeing neither blue nor green nor his mercy. born into a religious family, expected at fourteen, to kindle providence… she’d flounder a......Read the rest...
Categories: benedictine, religion,
Form: Free verse

Slings and Arrows
...I foolishly fell from a mountainous high only to land on a desert dry Images of liquid lust within my emotive eye calcified to a crusted cry Warning winds in delusory distance holding hurricane......Read the rest...
Categories: benedictine, abuse, conflict, pain,
Form: Alliteration
Carolingian Minuscule
...Circa Holy Roman Empire between ninth and thirteenth century after common era (approximately 800 AD and 1200 AD) benchmark year 780 bracketed Benedictine monks Of Corbie Abbey devised cheek......Read the rest...
Categories: benedictine, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Bleeding Before Rome -1
...The bombers began to bleed their heavy tears of death from 20,000 feet above the breathless battlefield, B-17 Flying Fortress formations moving with apocalyptic aplomb the shadows of high metal......Read the rest...
Categories: benedictine, culture, heart, war, world
Form: Epic
Something He Sees While Praying
...I have an old friend who was told some time ago he had six months to live. We live far apart now and he told me about this in an email shortly after the doctor told him. The six months passed some ti......Read the rest...
Categories: benedictine, god,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Time Stands Still
... a Walk in- the woods with debussy's prelude to the afternoon in my ears time stands still the warmth of the sun music echoing amongst trees the chant of songbirds oh pea......Read the rest...
Categories: benedictine, music, nature,
Form: Free verse
Norwich Cathedral Evensong
...Nine hundred years these arches rang : With fervent praise the people sang. In early days the monks would chant As from the heights bright beams would slant Illuminating Norman stone And soften ......Read the rest...
Categories: benedictine, history, music, religion,
Form: Verse
My Favourite Things
...For Adeleke's Top Ten Snow James Bond ......Read the rest...
Categories: benedictine, happiness
Form: Etheree

Book: Reflection on the Important Things