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Norwich Cathedral Evensong

Nine hundred years these arches rang : With fervent praise the people sang. In early days the monks would chant As from the heights bright beams would slant Illuminating Norman stone And soften with a pallid light, With Benedictine monotone, To put all worldly dark to flight. With skill, in stone, mere men have wrought A timeless edifice, which sought To witness to the power eternal, With habit, cowl and vow fraternal. And still, today, the peoples sing, Sweet music echoing from the walls; The organ thunders, anthems ring From medieval quire stalls.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 2/3/2014 7:04:00 AM
What is there about some people who sing on the spur of the moment?? .At work, I hear them humming (or wording) in the halls. My mom used to sing hymns at home all the time. Joy, perhaps, uncontainable joy? Peace, unexplainable peace? I pity the poor soul who will not sing because he/she fears what others will think.
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